The White Boy Shuffle Test | Final Test - Easy

Paul Beatty
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The White Boy Shuffle Test | Final Test - Easy

Paul Beatty
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Gunnar say he was advocating in his speech?
(a) Holding the black family together.
(b) Dissolving the lines between races.
(c) His own suicide.
(d) Getting high government officials to commit suicide.

2. What happens to Gunnar when he walks to the store to buy something for Yoshiko's craving?
(a) He gets lost.
(b) He runs into his sister.
(c) He is stopped by a gang.
(d) A helicopter shines a light on him.

3. Who rescues Gunnar and Yoshiko at the L.A. airport?
(a) Betty and Veronica.
(b) Psycho Loco.
(c) Gunnar's father.
(d) Gunnar's sisters.

4. Where does a recruiter from Harvard take Gunnar?
(a) To a Harvard football game.
(b) To a five star hotel.
(c) To dinner.
(d) To the space center.

5. How does the bride get to the wedding?
(a) By UPS truck.
(b) Her mother brings her.
(c) In a FedX van.
(d) In a taxi.

6. How does Gunnar get his assignments from class?
(a) He collects them at the principal's office.
(b) He picks them up at the library.
(c) An assistant coach collects them from the teachers.
(d) In class.

7. What does Gunnar's father say he has to do in order for his looting to not be reported?
(a) Get a job.
(b) Agree to attend El Campesino Real High School.
(c) Attend a military prep school.
(d) Report to the police station everday for six months.

8. What is Gunnar asked his comments about?
(a) When his baby is due.
(b) The ways the government hurts blacks.
(c) How long it will be before he publishes his poems.
(d) The suicide of a black student union leader.

9. What does Gunnar notice about a store as he walks by in Chapter Seven?
(a) He doesn't walk by a store after school.
(b) It has broken windows.
(c) It is burning.
(d) It has Black Owned written on it.

10. Who crashes Gunnar's wedding?
(a) Betty and Veronica.
(b) Sally and Mary.
(c) Kathy and Linda.
(d) Penny and Felicia.

11. What major event occurred at the beginning of Chapter Seven?
(a) Gunnar's father is shot on duty.
(b) Gunnar is named most valuable player.
(c) Gunnar wins the state championship.
(d) The King incident officers were aquitted.

12. What does Nick say Gunnar forgot to factor in when Gunnar spoke of music being finite?
(a) Man's ingenuity.
(b) How long a note can be sustained.
(c) The number of different musical instruments.
(d) The concept of time.

13. What do the wedding crashers say to the guests?
(a) Gunnar is too young to marry.
(b) Gunnar can't marry until he is out of school.
(c) Gunnar is gay.
(d) Gunnar belongs to them.

14. What does Nick ask Gunnar when he brings up suicide?
(a) The best method of drowning.
(b) If the fire trucks are better in heaven.
(c) About the tallest buildings in Boston.
(d) How many pills one has to take.

15. What does Gunnar's coach tell him one morning?
(a) Gunnar is suspended from play.
(b) Nick is in a mental institution.
(c) Nick has killed himself.
(d) The basketball team is going to state finals.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the rally to which Gunnar is invited to speak protesting?

2. What does Gunnar say to Psycho when he offers Gunnar some valuable loot?

3. How does Gunnar feel about the introductory speaker?

4. How does Yoshiko deal with the wedding crashers?

5. What is preventing Gunnar from going to his mother's home?

(see the answer keys)

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