The White Boy Shuffle Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Paul Beatty
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The White Boy Shuffle Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Paul Beatty
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. For what does Gunnar say he has been conscripted?
(a) As the representative of his school at national debate trials.
(b) As the voice of all African Americans.
(c) As a stand-up comedian.
(d) As the epitome of a good African American.

2. Where does Gunnar's father work?
(a) The school board.
(b) The Los Angeles Police Department.
(c) In a health food restaurant.
(d) He is a lawyer.

3. Where does Wolfgang move after he is fired?
(a) Pittsburgh.
(b) St. Louis.
(c) New York.
(d) Chicago.

4. With whom are Gunnar and Nick's drama team competing in a tournament?
(a) Teams from mostly wealthy, white schools.
(b) Other black schools in the district.
(c) Mostly teams from lower class white schools.
(d) Teams from other states.

5. What does Gunnar think his school does to race?
(a) It has no bearing on race.
(b) It makes it so unimportant it becomes important.
(c) Makes it very important.
(d) Makes it irrelevant.

6. What does Gunnar say The White Boy Shuffle is?
(a) His ideas on white American culture.
(b) His ideas on African American culture.
(c) His memoir.
(d) His stand-up comedy routines.

7. What did Gunnar learn in Santa Monica that seems to anger kids where he now lives?
(a) Studying at school.
(b) Sharing toys.
(c) Rules of etiquette.
(d) Obeying his mother.

8. What does Gunnar ask his mother to get him?
(a) Basketball shoes.
(b) A new stereo.
(c) Some books on jazz.
(d) An Iphone.

9. Why does Gunnar think the officers' question about gangs is absurd?
(a) He hasn't been there long enough to make friends.
(b) He is obviously an upper class black.
(c) He is too young to be in a gang.
(d) His mother would never allow him to join a gang.

10. With what part of playing basketball does Nick have a problem?
(a) Fouling other players.
(b) Obeying the coach.
(c) Attention from the other students.
(d) Arguing with the referee.

11. Who does Gunnar tell the police his Gang of Four plan to fight in a week?
(a) The Gun Totin' Hooligans.
(b) Hell's Inmates.
(c) The Hollywood Six Guns.
(d) The Bowery Boys.

12. What does Gunnar do before they move?
(a) Steals the car keys so they can't move.
(b) Writes all his friends a letter.
(c) Wrecks the house.
(d) Gets kicked out of school.

13. Why does Gunnar's mother decide they need to move?
(a) She can't afford the house.
(b) Gunnar is getting in too much trouble in school.
(c) The neighborhood is gettting dangerous.
(d) Her children act like white kids.

14. What does Gunnar like to do most at home?
(a) Listen to the radio and read.
(b) Watch television.
(c) Shoot hoops in the driveway.
(d) Build model airplanes.

15. What does Gunnar tell the officers when they ask whether he is involved in any gangs?
(a) He's in the Gang of Four.
(b) He says he's in the Crispy Critters.
(c) He says he quit last week.
(d) He asks what a gang is.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the Gun Totin' Hooligans carry in their early days instead of guns?

2. What did the Gun Totin' Hooligans do together originally?

3. Where do Gunnar and Nick have lunch sometimes to escape the school crowds?

4. What do Gunnar and Nick and some other boys do at school on Monday?

5. Where does Wolfgang get a job when he moves?

(see the answer keys)

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