The Whisper Man Test | Final Test - Medium

Alex North
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 186 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Whisper Man Test | Final Test - Medium

Alex North
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 186 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what position is Pete lying when Tom arrives home to find him in a pool of blood at the end of Chapter 52?
(a) On his side.
(b) On his stomach.
(c) In the fetal position.
(d) On his back.

2. What sight feels "invasive and wrong" (178) to Tom when he pulls into his driveway at the start of Chapter 34?
(a) A group of reporters standing on the grass.
(b) Crime scene tape wrapped around his garage.
(c) His curtains open.
(d) His front door standing open.

3. The policemen who arrive at Tom's door in Chapter 22 lose interest in Tom's story about the intruder when what object is mentioned?
(a) A snowflake.
(b) A doorbell.
(c) A baseball bat.
(d) A Miniature Schnauzer.

4. To what type of establishment do Karen and Tom go after dropping their respective sons off at school in Chapter 36?
(a) A park.
(b) A coffee shop.
(c) A bookstore.
(d) A bar.

5. Inside what kind of container beneath the floor of his garage does Tom find Tony's body in Chapter 27?
(a) A cardboard box.
(b) A plastic bag.
(c) A barrel.
(d) A plastic tub.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 23, Pete engages in what type of activity to reduce the stress associated with Neil's case?

2. In Chapter 31, Jake unnerves his father Tom by asking, "Did they find him, Daddy?" (165). About whom is Jake speaking?

3. When Pete visits which character in prison in Chapter 42, he vows that it will be the last time?

4. Whose body does Pete view when he travels to the city's pathology unit in Chapter 28?

5. What is NOT an element Pete despises about the autopsy suites at the city's pathology unit?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was Frank Carter's murder signature and what hypothesis does Pete create about it in Chapter 49?

2. In what way does the theme of betrayal arise within one of the chapters in Part Four narrated by Tom?

3. Discuss an instance when North uses a simile to create a vivid characterization of a marginal character, such as Norman.

4. Whose perspective does the narrator present in Chapter 37 and what is the intended effect of the choice?

5. What is the one useful piece of information Tom gleans from Mrs. Shearing when he visits her in Chapter 26?

6. What type of scene do Karen and Tom find back at Tom's house at the end of Chapter 52?

7. What does Pete decide before his final prison visit with Frank Carter in Chapter 42?

8. Describe the police's response to Tom's call about the man trying to get into his house.

9. For what reason does Pete feel compelled to view Tony's body at the city's pathology unit?

10. How does Tom discover the "old mechanic's pit" (147) located under his garage floor in Chapter 27?

(see the answer keys)

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