The Well of Loneliness Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Well of Loneliness Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Jonathan Brockett's occupation?
(a) Horse breeder.
(b) Musician.
(c) School teacher.
(d) Playwright.

2. After the wedding, where do Stephen, Mary, Jamie, and Barbara go on holiday?
(a) Houlgate, France.
(b) Saint Malo, France.
(c) Orotava, Spain.
(d) London, England.

3. On one of Stephen's occasional visits to Morton, what important news does she learn?
(a) That the Crossbys have moved back to America.
(b) That Williams, the old groom now works for the Antrims.
(c) That Raftery has grown sick and lame.
(d) That Lady Anna is dying of cancer.

4. Why does Stephen dislike Jonathan's friend, Valerie Seymour?
(a) Because she hates women after her failed relationship with Angela.
(b) Because Valerie is unattractive.
(c) Because Valerie is rude and obnoxious.
(d) Because she feels Valerie only likes her for what she is, not who she is.

5. After returning home from vacation, why is Stephen upset at her mother's request to visit her at Morton?
(a) Because Lady Anna failed to invite Mary.
(b) Because Lady Anna has defied Stephen's request to not write her.
(c) Because Lady Anna sold Sir Phillip's possessions.
(d) Because Lady Anna criticized Stephen's novels.

Short Answer Questions

1. At Valerie Seymour's party, what is the name of the alcoholic painter Stephen and Mary are introduced to?

2. Judging from Mary's behavior on and off the battlefield, what characteristic traits do Mary seem to exhibit?

3. When showing Stephen around Paris, what does Jonathan primarily focus on revealing to her?

4. What is the ethnicity of the family employed to cook and clean for Stephen in her new home in Paris?

5. During the wedding reception, why is Stephen's servant silent after wedding guest's mockery of Stephen?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Raferty prompt Stephen to return home to Morton?

2. How is Stephen injured during the war?

3. What important connections does Mary make at Valerie Seymour's Christmas party the year after she moves to Paris?

4. What is the reaction from the public to Stephen's third book?

5. How does Stephen attempt to protect Mary while the two are serving together in the ambulance brigade during the war?

6. How does Stephen spoil Mary when they return to Paris after the war?

7. What career path has Stephen chosen upon leaving Morton?

8. What is Rue Jacob?

9. After leaving the hospital, where does Stephen take Mary for vacation, and what does she realize about their relationship?

10. How do Stephen and Mary spend their evenings together in Paris when they are out with their group of friends?

(see the answer keys)

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