The Well of Loneliness Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Well of Loneliness Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After Martin's return into Stephen's life, why does she spend so much time with him?
(a) Because she enjoys the comfort he brings by accepting her lifestyle.
(b) Because spends lavishly and spoils her.
(c) Because she feels obligated to spend time with him.
(d) Because Martin is afraid to venture out in a new city alone.

2. At Valerie Seymour's party, what is the name of the alcoholic painter Stephen and Mary are introduced to?
(a) Jamie.
(b) Barbara.
(c) Wanda.
(d) Claire.

3. How does Stephen react after she discovers Martin's feelings towards Mary and his subsequent plan?
(a) She becomes enraged, forbidding Mary to have any contact with Martin.
(b) She refuses to speak to Martin again.
(c) She promises they will work something out.
(d) She falls into a deep depression.

4. After returning home from a visit to Morton, what is the most reasonable explanation for Stephen's decision to write a third novel?
(a) To create a better life for her partner, Mary.
(b) To recount her dramatic war memories.
(c) To create a seperation from her needy and dependant partner, Mary.
(d) To finally cut off all contact with her mother, Lady Anna.

5. Who visits Stephen and Mary at their home on Christmas Eve, suggesting they pay a visit to Valerie Seymour?
(a) Miss Puddleton.
(b) Violet Peacock.
(c) Mademoiselle Duphot.
(d) Jonathan Brockett.

6. After her banishment from Morton, Stephen purchases a small flat in London with whom?
(a) Miss Puddleton.
(b) Angela Crossby.
(c) Violet Antrim.
(d) Jonathan Brockett.

7. What would accurately describe Stephen's response toward Mary's confessions of love and attraction?
(a) She jumps at the opportunity to express her mutual love for Mary.
(b) She is concerned that Mary lacks the comprehension of her decisions.
(c) She laughs at Mary's confession, telling her she'll never understand true love.
(d) She is disgusted and terrified by Mary's confession.

8. After leaving the military, where do Stephen and Mary eventually decide to vacation together?
(a) Avignon.
(b) Ibiza.
(c) Morton.
(d) Orotava.

9. Whose French wedding is financed, catered, and housed by Stephen?
(a) Violet Peacock.
(b) The daughter of Stephen's servent, Adele.
(c) The son of Stephen's servent, Klaus.
(d) Jonathan Brockett.

10. After Martin and Stephen reestablish contact and friendship and spend time together, what does Stephen begin to realize about him?
(a) That he struggles with his sexuality identity as well.
(b) That he is still bitter about her treatment of him back in London.
(c) That he is still in love with her.
(d) That he accepts her true nature and her relationship with Mary.

11. After Stephen publishes her second work, why does Jonathan suggest Stephen travel abroad?
(a) To hide and avoid criticism from the writing community.
(b) To meet new people and gather experience.
(c) To find a new occupation.
(d) To get positive attention from the writing community.

12. What is the last name of Stephen's assistant and fellow ambulance driver, Mary?
(a) Llewellyn.
(b) Lesignor.
(c) Cunnigham.
(d) Higgins.

13. After noticing what Stephen has done with another "lover," what is Mary's reaction?
(a) She is saddened by Stephen's decision and leaves with Martin.
(b) She is not affected by the plan, and ignores the situation completely.
(c) She slaps Stephen across the face.
(d) She falls deeply in love with Stephen again.

14. After retuning from Italy, which of the following activities do Stephen and Mary regularly share with their homosexual friends?
(a) Taking eisurly car drives through Paris.
(b) Bringing each other's pets to the neighborhood park.
(c) Protesting homosexual injustices at city hall.
(d) Going to nightclubs and bars.

15. During renovations on her new home in Paris and collaborating with an architect, which decision does Stephen actively participate in?
(a) The home's carpet.
(b) The home's wallpaper.
(c) The home's furniture.
(d) All of the above.

Short Answer Questions

1. On which famous Paris street does Stephen decide to buy her home?

2. Why does Stephen take young women, such as Mary, "under her wing" during military operations?

3. On which holiday does Stephen celebrate her twenty-seventh birthday?

4. What division of the French Army Ambulance Corps does Stephen join for her military service?

5. What is the name of Mademoiselle Duphot's blind sister, whom Stephen and Mary visit after returning from Orotava?

(see the answer keys)

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