The Well of Loneliness Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Well of Loneliness Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After meeting for the first time and spending time briefly at Angela's home, what does Angela invite Stephen to do once they part ways?
(a) To come back later once Angela's husband falls asleep.
(b) To take out her trash on the way home.
(c) To call her anytime.
(d) To care for her dog.

2. After Mademoiselle Duphot's arrival, Stephen is intrigued by what pastime hobby?
(a) Croquet.
(b) Wrestling.
(c) Fencing.
(d) French cooking.

3. What ultimatum does Lady Anna give her daughter once Stephen admits to falling in love with Angela?
(a) Either Stephen move out of Morton, or she will.
(b) There is no ultimatum. Lady Anna is excited her daughter is in love.
(c) Stephen cannont see Angela anymore, or else.
(d) If Stephen does not apologize for the pain she's caused Angela, she will be forced out of Morton.

4. Stephen and Martin gradually become close friends. What is the most possible explanation for this?
(a) They share similar intrests and opinions.
(b) They both will attend the same university.
(c) All of the above.
(d) They enjoy dancing together at parties.

5. What activity is simply too painful for Stephen to continue now with the absence of her late father?
(a) Reading Books.
(b) Caring for Sir Phillip's automobile.
(c) Fencing.
(d) Hunting.

6. Where do Stephen an Angela share their first kiss?
(a) While walking Angela's dog in the park.
(b) In Anglea's kitchen after tea.
(c) During Stephen's tour of the Morton property.
(d) In Stephen's study.

7. Who replaces Sir Phillip as the strongest supporter of Stephen's education?
(a) Miss Puddelton.
(b) Lady Anna.
(c) Williams the head groom.
(d) Angela

8. As Stephen begrudgingly discovers from Violet Antrim, what character is suspected of having romantic relations with Angela?
(a) Roger Antrim.
(b) Williams the old groom.
(c) Martin Hallum.
(d) Colonel Antrim.

9. Which of the following best describes Stephen's attitude before and during her second visit over tea with Angela?
(a) Boredom.
(b) Frustration.
(c) Relaxation.
(d) Nervousness.

10. While spending time with her mother in Cornwall, why can't Stephen relax and enjoy her time away?
(a) Because she anxiously awaits Angela's arrival
(b) Because she anxiously awaits any correspondence from Angela.
(c) Because she fears the truth about her relationship with Angela will be revealed.
(d) Because she fears for Angela's safety.

11. What hobby of Stephen is particularly targeted by the gossiping circles?
(a) Fencing.
(b) Horse riding.
(c) Shooting.
(d) Writing.

12. When Lady Anna catches wind of her daughter's suspected relationship with Angela, were does she confront Stephen?
(a) In Stephen's bedroom.
(b) In the study.
(c) In the gardenhouse.
(d) In the kitchen.

13. In order to protect herself from possible accusations of infidelity, how does Angela explain her relationship with Stephen?
(a) Stephen was obsessed with her.
(b) Her attempt to reform a troubled Stephen went "too far."
(c) They were true romantic partners and lovers.
(d) They were only good friends, never romantic.

14. What characteristic traits do Stephen's parents notice in her, even at a young age?
(a) Masculine and precocious.
(b) Masculine and withdrawn.
(c) Feminine and precocious.
(d) Feminine and withdrawn.

15. What name does Angela designate for her home?
(a) "The Shack."
(b) "The Stage."
(c) "The Grange."
(d) "The Ranch."

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Stephen witness Angela kissing another lover?

2. What U.S war did Angela's family participate in and subsequently cause Angela to flee to New York?

3. Sir Phillip, uncomfortable with his daughter's tutor, replaces Mademoiselle Duphot with whom?

4. As the friendship progresses, Martin confesses his love for Stephen and his desire for mutual affection. What is Stephen's reaction to this revelation?

5. Where does Stephen first meet Martin Hallam?

(see the answer keys)

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