The Well of Loneliness Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Well of Loneliness Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 4: Chapters 35-39.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Stephen learn about herself through her relationship with Martin?
(a) That she will never love a man.
(b) Stephen is selfish and mean-spirited.
(c) True love goes through many trials before reallization.
(d) Stephen is a sheltered girl, afriad to venture out socially.

2. As the marital tension between Lady Anna and Sir Phillip worsens, what key piece information is left out in their arguments?
(a) Lady Anna's desire for Stephen to marry Martin.
(b) Sir Phillip's frustration with Lady Anna's intolerance.
(c) Lady Anna's knowledge of Collins the housemaid's true fate.
(d) Sir Phillip's knowledge of Stephen's sexuality.

3. How does Puddle react when Stephen suggests she move back to Morton?
(a) She is obedient.
(b) She is eager.
(c) She is outraged.
(d) She is reluctant.

4. Amid the lingering gossip and rumors about Stephen circulating throughout the community, what character staunchly defends the bullied girl?
(a) Miss Puddleton.
(b) Sir Phillip.
(c) Martin Hallam.
(d) Colonel Antrim.

5. After Stephen receives her military decoration, what does Mary beg her not to do?
(a) Leave France.
(b) Continue her militray career.
(c) Send her away.
(d) Commit suicide.

Short Answer Questions

1. During the love triangle, what is causing Stephen's misery?

2. Which of the following did Lady Anna shout once Stephen admits to falling in love with Angela?

3. On vacation together, what activities do Stephen and Mary particularly enjoy doing?

4. Which character could be considered as the "third leg" in Stephen and Angela's love triangle?

5. What did Sir Phillip have an opportunity to express, yet failed to deliver when approached by Stephen?

(see the answer key)

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