The Weight of Ink Test | Final Test - Medium

Kadish, Rachel
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Weight of Ink Test | Final Test - Medium

Kadish, Rachel
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where did Thomas, Mary, John, and Ester go after boating in Chapter 20?
(a) Mary's.
(b) Inn.
(c) Tavern.
(d) Church.

2. At the beginning of Chapter 24, how long has it been since Ester had spoken to anyone other than Mary or Rivka?
(a) 3 weeks.
(b) Fortnight.
(c) 4 weeks.
(d) Yestereve.

3. What time does Helen want Aaron to meet her in Chapter 27?
(a) 2:00.
(b) 2:30.
(c) 3:30.
(d) 3:00.

4. What was the date in Chapter 28?
(a) July 11, 1667.
(b) August 12, 1667.
(c) March 3, 1667.
(d) September 1, 1667.

5. What disease does Helen have?
(a) Fibromyalgia.
(b) Parkinson's.
(c) Multiple Schlerosis.
(d) Huntington's.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 18, what did Rivka do to earn extra money?

2. In Chapter 23, how long does it take to get an email response from the Jewish Archives of Amsterdam?

3. When Ester and Rivka left London by boat in Chapter 26, how long had it been since the day Ester went to the river with John, Mary, Thomas, and Bescos?

4. What was the date of Ester's letter to Spinoza at the beginning of Chapter 20?

5. In Chapter 17 by noon how many documents has Aaron transcribed?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Mary catch the plague and die?

2. What did Thomas do as their boat ride was ending in Chapter 20?

3. In Chapter 20, what did Ester enjoy seeing at Barn Elms?

4. In Chapter 26 how did Ester and Rivka escape from the da Costa Mendes house?

5. Why did Ester and Rivka move into the da Costa Mendes house?

6. In Chapter 21, what did Aaron discover about Ester?

7. What did Ester learn about Rivka in Chapter 24?

8. Where did Ester and Rivka go after fleeing London in Chapter 26, and what reception did they receive there?

9. At the end of Chapter 19, what do Helen and Aaron begin to think about Ester and Thomas Farrow?

10. When and how does Aaron learn the date and manner of Ester's death?

(see the answer keys)

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