The Way of the Shaman Test | Final Test - Medium

Michael Harner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Way of the Shaman Test | Final Test - Medium

Michael Harner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In stories of Coyote or Raven, for example, the shaman's connection with the guardian spirit is with what?
(a) The entire species.
(b) A mythical character that does not exist.
(c) A representative individual of the species.
(d) An angelic being posing as an animal.

2. A restless power animal may develop what?
(a) Resentment towards the shaman.
(b) A mean streak.
(c) A mental or physical illness.
(d) A weak connection with its person.

3. What do the Jivaro see in someone who possesses a guardian?
(a) A colorful aura around the head.
(b) A golden circle surrounding the person.
(c) Sparks of pink light from the fingertips.
(d) An inverted rainbow in the chest.

4. The shamans among Scandinavian Laps often become what?
(a) Whales, fish, polar bears, and elk.
(b) Bears, reindeer, wolves, and fish.
(c) Reindeer, elk, rabbits, and foxes.
(d) Moose, caribou, bears, and rabbits.

5. Why does Harner state that it doesn't matter whether the animal that has appeared is fierce or gentle?
(a) Guardians are bound by oath to never harm humans.
(b) As sources of power, guardians do not harm the possessor.
(c) The animal's qualities reflect the inner needs of the shaman.
(d) The animal is merely a projection of the participant's imagination.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do negative big dreams carry, according to the author?

2. Does a guardian spirit have the freedom to leave or stay at will?

3. Often, a patient already has the following with a returned power animal:

4. Many traditions speak of the mythical past when animals could:

5. Frequently, a patient has bonded with his or her power animal in:

Short Essay Questions

1. What does a shaman do upon successfully retrieving a power animal for a patient?

2. Describe what Harner writes about the mythical past link between humans and animals.

3. Why does a power animal need to be danced regularly?

4. When was the book Natural Magick written, and what is it about?

5. Describe what Harner refers to as the "Calling The Beasts" ritual.

6. How can a shaman tell whether or not an individual has a guardian spirit?

7. Give a brief summary of the exercise the author presents to the reader on how to dance one's animal guardian spirit.

8. Explain what the author is saying when he speaks of Coyote and Raven as groups or species.

9. What does Harner recommend for novice shamans trying to communicate with guardian spirit animals?

10. In the power restoration exercise Harner presents for the reader, what is the participant told to avoid?

(see the answer keys)

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