The Way of the Shaman Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Michael Harner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Way of the Shaman Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Michael Harner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. During the Lakota practice of rock-seeing, a shaman considers a problem while walking through what?
(a) A field of boulders.
(b) A wild area.
(c) A rocky stream.
(d) A bed of heated rocks.

2. Why does Harner include the examples of the Lakota Sioux and Coast Salish tribes for Westerners in particular?
(a) Because more than anyone else, Westerners need to understand the nuances of shamanism.
(b) So that they can see that shamanism can be accessed without the use of drugs.
(c) To give them examples of shamanism that might be more familiar to them.
(d) To illustrate the universal nature of shamanism.

3. In "The Way of the Shaman," the author shows similarities between:
(a) Real and fake shamans.
(b) Once dominant spiritual belief systems.
(c) Younger and older shamans.
(d) Various shamanic spiritual belief systems.

4. What does the Jivaro shaman help Harner acquire?
(a) Spirit helpers.
(b) Tree guides.
(c) Advanced intuition.
(d) The ability to see beyond.

5. Harner explains that some shamanic students report using caves as:
(a) Hiding places.
(b) Portals.
(c) Sensory deprivation stations.
(d) Sanctuaries.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the author encounter when he drinks maikua?

2. One person who tried Harner's step-by-step guided journey exercise reported bringing back what by accident?

3. What are guardian spirits called in Siberia?

4. The author shows that all religious traditions share:

5. What is the name of the Jivaro shaman Harner works with?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe an environment that's conducive to the shaman being most effective while in a shamanic state of consciousness (SSC).

2. Prompted by similarities he found in books and accounts about shamanic experiences, what did Harner decide to do in order to learn more about shamanism?

3. Harner compares rock-seeing to what Western practices?

4. Describe Harner's journey with Akachu.

5. What is the participant of the exercise in Chapter 2 instructed regarding the end of the journey?

6. How does a shaman take care of his or her tsentak?

7. What does Akachu question when he and Harner are getting to know each other?

8. Harner says that apprentice shamans report similarities in how they get out of difficulties. What are some of the difficulties he mentions?

9. Discuss what Harner says about the humility of shamanism?

10. Describe the roles of drumming and rattling in a shaman's work.

(see the answer keys)

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