The Way of the Shaman Test | Final Test - Easy

Michael Harner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Way of the Shaman Test | Final Test - Easy

Michael Harner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. While in the Lowerworld on a journey to restore power, how will the shaman know if a power animal is ready to accompany the seeker?
(a) The animal will smile.
(b) The animal will give signs that it is ready.
(c) The animal will give off a faint glow.
(d) The animal will begin walking up the tunnel.

2. When the Coastal Salish wear masks and dance their spirit guardians, what does Harner call this practice?
(a) Dancing with the Beasts.
(b) Calling the Spirits.
(c) Dancing with the Spirits.
(d) Calling the Beasts.

3. On the guided power restoration journey that involves descending down a tunnel, the author cautions against encountering:
(a) Weeping female spirits.
(b) Large predators with exposed teeth.
(c) Male spirits with weapons.
(d) Ominously voracious non-mammals.

4. How does a guardian spirit animal encountered in Lowerworld often communicate with the shaman?
(a) Through the spirit of a deceased loved one of the shaman.
(b) By moving its body in an unusual way.
(c) By singing a song.
(d) Through a language spoken only in Lowerworld.

5. When the apprentice shaman emerges from the tunnel and enters Lowerworld, what animal does Harner say the participant will never see?
(a) A serpent.
(b) A robin.
(c) A whale.
(d) An insect.

6. After the power animal in the Lowerworld alerts the shaman that it is ready to accompany him or her, what is the shaman supposed to do?
(a) Close his or her eyes and float back up the tunnel with the animal right behind.
(b) Bow down humbly and respectfully request that the animal accompany him or her.
(c) Charge at the animal and chase it up the tunnel.
(d) Clasp the animal to the chest and, with the other hand, rattle quickly.

7. A restless power animal may develop what?
(a) A mean streak.
(b) A mental or physical illness.
(c) Resentment towards the shaman.
(d) A weak connection with its person.

8. Why must a shaman not send power directly to the patient?
(a) It can contaminate the patient's energy.
(b) The guardian spirit animals will feel useless and disappear.
(c) The extra power can shock a weakened patient's system.
(d) It will exhaust the shaman's energy.

9. In order for a shaman to restore power to someone from a distance, what does the author say is required?
(a) Expert skills and advanced confidence.
(b) Great concentration and expert sight.
(c) Advanced intuition and much courage.
(d) Great expectations and focused desire.

10. When a shaman delivers the spirit of a power animal into the patient, he or she also:
(a) Blesses the animal.
(b) Tells the animal to cure the patient.
(c) Tells the patient what the animal is.
(d) Blesses the patient.

11. What element is often reported in many successful guardian spirit journeys?
(a) Confusion.
(b) Satisfaction.
(c) Bliss.
(d) Synchronicity.

12. According to Jivaro tradition, a shaman must seek out a guardian spirit how often?
(a) During a full moon.
(b) On an empty stomach.
(c) At least every two weeks.
(d) No more than once a month.

13. Harner notes that in modern technology, quartz crystals are used in what?
(a) Children's electronic toys.
(b) Radio transmitters and computers.
(c) Atomic reactors.
(d) Solar-powered panels and electric cars.

14. Harner presents one shaman's drawings of the tunnel to Lowerworld. What does it look like?
(a) Brightly lit opening with benevolent animals protecting the entrance.
(b) A winding chute that's wide at the top and bottom but narrow in the middle.
(c) A cavern with steps leading straight down.
(d) Concentric circles with crystals and humans falling through a hole.

15. What do anthropologists refer to as divination?
(a) The act of shaking a shamanic rattle in six directions.
(b) Consultation between a shaman and his or her animal.
(c) A patient's spontaneous healing after a shaman's visit.
(d) Information a shaman shares immediately after emerging from the Lowerworld tunnel.

Short Answer Questions

1. Some creation myths show with the passage of time, only shamans could:

2. In what form will an apprentice shaman see an animal upon entering Lowerworld during the power restoration exercise?

3. Can non-shamans participate in shamanic rituals?

4. The shamans among Scandinavian Laps often become what?

5. In stories of Coyote or Raven, for example, the shaman's connection with the guardian spirit is with what?

(see the answer keys)

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