The Waves Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Waves Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Susan doing when she begins her Section 7 monologue?
(a) Speaking with Bernard.
(b) Playing with her daughters.
(c) Alone in her room at Elvedon.
(d) Walking with her son in the garden.

2. What phrase does Susan use to describe her position in life as it is in Section 7?
(a) That she, "divests herself of her authority."
(b) She has "reached the summit of her desires."
(c) That she is "not one of those who find their satisfaction in one person, or in infinity."
(d) That she is, "no longer young. No longer part of the procession."

3. What time is it when Bernard begins his last monologue of Section 8?
(a) Midday.
(b) Very early in the morning.
(c) Nearly bed-time.
(d) Very late at night.

4. According to Section 7, what does Jinny resign herself to being in regards to the rest of her life?
(a) Indifferent.
(b) Unafraid.
(c) Terrified.
(d) Excited.

5. At one point in Section 6, Jinny says she is being "flung up, and flung down, like . . ." what?
(a) A ball being played with.
(b) A ship in the sea.
(c) A ragdoll.
(d) The waves.

6. What two emotions seem to dominate Rhoda's Section 7 monologue?
(a) Contentment and joy.
(b) Anger and resentment.
(c) Aggressiveness and anger.
(d) Indifference and depression.

7. What should the reader infer that Rhoda is thinking about at the end of her Section 7 monologue?
(a) Suicide/Death.
(b) Falling in love.
(c) Marriage.
(d) Bearing children.

8. Who refers to "the hieroglyphs written on other people's faces" in Section 6?
(a) Susan.
(b) Louis.
(c) Neville.
(d) Jinny.

9. In Section 8, what prevents the characters from relaxing around each other?
(a) The absence of Percival.
(b) The lack of food.
(c) The lack of drinks.
(d) The time they have spent apart.

10. Who has the first monologue of this Section 6?
(a) Jinny.
(b) Susan.
(c) Bernard.
(d) Louis.

11. What separates Neville's monologue from the others in Section 6?
(a) He is least troubled by Percival's death.
(b) He is least aware of aging.
(c) He is most aware of aging.
(d) He is the most content of any of the characters.

12. Whose Section 6 monologue features a musing on the passing of seasons?
(a) Susan's.
(b) Bernard's.
(c) Louis's.
(d) Neville's.

13. What is the best way to characterize the tone of Bernard's first Section 8 monologue?
(a) Depressed.
(b) Angry.
(c) Uneasy or anxious.
(d) Elated.

14. What time of day does the passage at the beginning of Section 5 describe?
(a) Midday.
(b) Evening.
(c) Morning.
(d) Late night.

15. In Section 5, Neville struggles to accomplish what simple act?
(a) Climbing stairs.
(b) Getting dressed.
(c) Bathing.
(d) Getting out of bed.

Short Answer Questions

1. With what event in Bernard's life does the major news in Section 5 coincide?

2. In Section 8, when does Bernard arrive in relation to the other characters?

3. Who "gape[s] like a young bird, unsatisfied, for something that has escaped me" in Section 8?

4. Who is the first speaker in Section 7?

5. In the beginning of Section 5, what state does Woolf describe the sun as being in?

(see the answer keys)

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