The Water Knife Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Paolo Bacigalupi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Water Knife Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Paolo Bacigalupi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 39 – 47.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who left Lucy and Sarah a suitcase of clothes before going north?
(a) Toomie.
(b) Tammy Bayless.
(c) Catherine Case.
(d) Ray Torres.

2. How much water flows through the Colorado River, according to the narrator in Chapter 1?
(a) 15 million acre-feet a year.
(b) 7 million acre-feet a year.
(c) 10 million acre-feet a year.
(d) 2 million acre-feet a year.

3. Who is the Phoenix Water lawyer that Lucy's written several articles about in Chapter 13?
(a) Michael Ratan.
(b) James Sanderson.
(c) Dona Arroyo.
(d) Ray Torres.

4. How is Lucy's dog described in Chapter 16?
(a) An Australian Shepherd mix.
(b) A poodle mix.
(c) A German Shepherd mix.
(d) A pit-bull mix.

5. Where did Angel's father take him after his wife and daughters were killed in Mexico?
(a) El Norte.
(b) El Oeste.
(c) El Sur.
(d) El Este.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where are the fires still gathering from the bombing of the safe house in Chapter 43?

2. What does Angel drop into his friend's Santa Muerte shrine in the end of Chapter 31?

3. What are the residents of Phoenix called in the novel?

4. Where is Maria hiding in Chapter 20?

5. What prison experiment does Lucy describe in Chapter 34?

(see the answer key)

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