The Waste Lands Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Waste Lands Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In her shooting lessons in Chapter 1, what has Susannah forgotten if she aims with her hand?
(a) The hand of her father.
(b) The face of her father.
(c) The love of her father.
(d) The support of her father.

2. What is unusual about Mir's head?
(a) It is missing both eyes.
(b) It has a radar-like dish on it.
(c) It has a large tumor.
(d) It has an extra mouth.

3. What is a palaver?
(a) To discuss a specific subject on a specific day with your friends.
(b) A position in the household of a magician.
(c) To have a lengthy discussion, usually between people of different backgrounds.
(d) A type of hat Roland wears.

4. What does the boy in Chapter 3 warn Jake not to do?
(a) Fall off the ledge.
(b) Step off the curb.
(c) Step on the robots.
(d) Fall off the train.

5. Who was Gloria?
(a) Eddie's cousin.
(b) Eddie's sister.
(c) Eddie's mother.
(d) Eddie's aunt.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Eddie believe the Twelve Portals are?

2. What did Henry steal from the girl Maryanne in Chapter 21?

3. Why does Roland call Susannah Odetta in Chapter 1?

4. What is the subject of Jake's Final Essay in English Comp as stated in Chapter 2?

5. Upon what books does Stephen King say he based the Dark Tower Series in the Introduction of this novel?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Jake leave his family's home? What of his father's does he take?

2. Who does Jake meet in Chapter 20? To where does Jake follow this character?

3. What surprises Jake about the grade he receives on his Final Essay in English?

4. What road do Roland, Susannah, and Eddie find in Chapter 7? Where do they believe it will lead them?

5. How many things happen to Jake in Chapters 16-23 that also happened in Roland's world?

6. Roland is distracted in the first chapter. What does he tell Susannah is causing this distraction?

7. What fear haunts Eddie all through Chapters 7-15?

8. Who does Roland talk of when he collapses after the death of the bear?

9. What terrible tragedy took place in Eddie's family that caused his mother to encourage Henry to be Eddie's constant guardian?

10. What impression does Jake get from the empty lot where Tom and Gerry's Artistic Deli once stood?

(see the answer keys)

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