The Waste Land Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Waste Land Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the Burial of the Dead, what is the person with the hyacinths called?
(a) The Man
(b) Hyacinth Girl
(c) Sweetheart
(d) The Teacher

2. What repeated word reference Philomel in a Game of Chess?
(a) Crack
(b) Bang
(c) Slam
(d) Jug

3. What is the relationship between the rich woman and her lover?
(a) Strained
(b) Dangerous
(c) Loving
(d) Sterile

4. What does the cruelest month mix together?
(a) Beauty and Hatred
(b) Memory and Desire
(c) Love and Death
(d) The Past and the Future

5. Who give Lil the medication?
(a) Her husband
(b) Her chemist
(c) Her priest
(d) Her friend

6. Where does the narrator spend his summers?
(a) The Maldahasee
(b) The Gerbertensee
(c) The Sternbergersee
(d) The Tatnoogeese

7. What color is the fog in the Unreal City?
(a) White
(b) Black
(c) Silver
(d) Brown

8. What revives the dull roots in the Burial of the Dead?
(a) Nothing
(b) Good soil
(c) Spring rain
(d) Fresh air

9. What had undone many people in the Unreal City?
(a) Light
(b) Death
(c) Religion
(d) Darkness

10. What is planted in the garden?
(a) A corpse
(b) A vase
(c) A box
(d) A bulb

11. What does someone postpone in the first part of the Burial of the Dead?
(a) Traveling home
(b) Going to school
(c) Joining the war
(d) Getting married

12. In the Burial of the Dead, what does the narrator say he will show the reader under the red rock?
(a) Something different
(b) Your future
(c) Something amazing
(d) His past

13. Why doesn’t Lil have any more children than she does now?
(a) She is too old
(b) Her husband is injured
(c) Her husband has been gone
(d) She aborts her pregnancies

14. In the Burial of the Dead, what frightens Marie?
(a) A mountain
(b) The snow
(c) A bear
(d) Sledding

15. In a Game of Chess, what type of perfume does the rich woman own?
(a) Floral
(b) Antique
(c) Synthetic
(d) Natural

Short Answer Questions

1. What creates fiery points around the rich woman in a Game of Chess?

2. In the Burial of the Dead, what is the dead tree unable to give the reader?

3. What casts a glitter in the room at the beginning in a Game of Chess?

4. What does the narrator warn Lil will happen if she does not give Albert what he wants?

5. How many years is Albert away before returning to Lil in a Game of Chess?

(see the answer keys)

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