The Warrior's Path Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Warrior's Path Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of Kin's brother who is in England?
(a) David.
(b) Jubal.
(c) Chance.
(d) Brian.

2. What Indian tribe bides their time before they attack Kin and his family?
(a) Creeks.
(b) Chiaha.
(c) Seneca.
(d) Cusabo.

3. How many men are lost in the battle with the other ship?
(a) 5.
(b) 3.
(c) 4.
(d) 2.

4. What injuries does the man have that Kin hires to watch for the Abigail?
(a) Lost a leg and hand.
(b) Lost one eye.
(c) Lost two fingers.
(d) Lost one hand.

5. At fifteen feet above water on board Tilly's ship, how far can Kin see?
(a) About 3 miles.
(b) Perhaps 3 1/2 miles.
(c) About 4 miles.
(d) Perhaps 4 1/2 miles.

6. How many slaves does the tailor Augustus Jayne employ?
(a) 60.
(b) 30 men and a couple women.
(c) 40 men and several women.
(d) 50.

7. How many blankets does Kin tell the Indians he has traded for Diana?
(a) 15.
(b) 5.
(c) 10.
(d) 20.

8. After Kin and Diana are married, under what type of trees do they and the Indians camp that night?
(a) Loblolly pines.
(b) Willows.
(c) Tulip Poplar.
(d) Cypress.

9. What time does Henry want Kin to meet him after Adele is taken?
(a) No later than midnight.
(b) Before 11 p.m.
(c) 1 a.m.
(d) 10 p.m.

10. Before Port Royal, what is the largest city that Kin has ever seen?
(a) Bristol.
(b) Jamestown.
(c) Dublin.
(d) London.

11. If a ship is twelve or thirteen miles away from Tilly's ship, how long will it take her to close in?
(a) About 6 hours.
(b) 2-3 hours.
(c) About 4 hours.
(d) 3-4 hours.

12. Who points out a ship in the night to Tilly?
(a) Dan Browning.
(b) Tom Carboy.
(c) Will Miller.
(d) Bill Darby.

13. Who was it said settled Damariscove?
(a) Captain Dammerill.
(b) Captain Smithson.
(c) Captain Norling.
(d) Captain Clarkson.

14. When Barnabas Sackett took a pirate ship in Newfoundland, who did he hang high until the man could cool down?
(a) Anson.
(b) Bardle.
(c) Duval.
(d) Wyatt.

15. Before the cove was settled, where did the fisherman come from who fished there?
(a) Vinland.
(b) Grand Banks.
(c) Iceland.
(d) Greenland.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Kin believe that Tilly went after he married Kin and Diana?

2. How many men does Henry think have captured Adele?

3. How old is the man Kin hires to watch for the "Abigail"?

4. After Adele is taken, where does Henry tell Kin to meet him?

5. How close is Kin when he kills the first man to waylay him after he leaves the Legare plantation?

(see the answer keys)

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