The Warlock Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Michael Scott (Irish author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Warlock Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Michael Scott (Irish author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When was Perenelle told her future?
(a) Fifty years ago.
(b) Hundreds of years ago.
(c) She has refused to hear of her future.
(d) While she was on Alcatraz a few days ago.

2. How does Virginia Dare use her flute?
(a) To send seagulls to attck the cyclists.
(b) To attack the Flamels.
(c) To carry messages.
(d) To distract Abraham and Machiavelli.

3. What does Dee tell Josh to do?
(a) Bribe the Nereids.
(b) Yell for Machiavelli.
(c) Drive through the Nereids.
(d) Ask the Nereids for safe passage.

4. For how long does Perenelle want to revive Nicholas?
(a) One more week.
(b) One more day.
(c) A month or so.
(d) An hour.

5. What are Anpu?
(a) The highest caste of wizards.
(b) Short dwarf-like creatures.
(c) Tall, jackal-headed warriors.
(d) The lowest caste of wizards.

6. Whose actions threaten every Shadowrealm?
(a) Sohpie.
(b) John Dee.
(c) Nicholas Flamel.
(d) Perenelle Flamel.

7. About what does Scathach think?
(a) About sacrifice.
(b) About stopping a volcano.
(c) About how death feels.
(d) How she has always freed her friends in trouble.

8. What is the only reason Anubis is still alive?
(a) Anubis has found a secret elixir.
(b) No one knows why.
(c) The change is going slowly in him.
(d) Aten loves him because Anubis is Aten's brother

9. What is weakened helping the Flamels track Josh?
(a) Prometheseus.
(b) Sophie.
(c) Scathach.
(d) No one.

10. Where do the Anpu appear?
(a) In a cave near Homer, Alaska.
(b) Near Bilboa.
(c) In a cave near Xibalba.
(d) On the Antarctic continent.

11. Who are the Nereids?
(a) Nereus' daughters.
(b) Nereus' wives.
(c) Nereus' sons.
(d) Nereus' brothers.

12. What does Abraham say after hearing the news Prometheus brings?
(a) All is lost except the shadowrealms.
(b) The people will be killed by the vimanas.
(c) The world will now end.
(d) The world is saved.

13. How does Perenelle feel about Nicholas dying?
(a) Hysterical.
(b) Grieving.
(c) Happy.
(d) Relieved.

14. Who is driving a Jeep in Chapter 5?
(a) Nicholas.
(b) Prometheseus.
(c) Josh.
(d) Dee.

15. Where is Sophie?
(a) In Washington, D. C.
(b) Somewhere in San Francisco.
(c) On Alcatraz.
(d) In New York.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is experiencing the change along with Aten?

2. With whom is Sophie escaping?

3. Where does the couple appear?

4. Why does Josh like Machiavelli better than John Dee?

5. Who is showing the island of Danu Talis to Scathach and the rest of the group Scathach is with?

(see the answer keys)

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