The Voyage of the Beagle Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Voyage of the Beagle Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Darwin particularly admire the view?
(a) the Hacienda de San Isidro
(b) the copper mines of Jajuel
(c) the summit of Bell Mountain
(d) the Aqua del Guanaco spring

2. Leaving Lima, where does the Beagle sail?
(a) Panama City
(b) the Galapagos archipelago
(c) back to Chile
(d) Baja California

3. On his second attempt, what is Capt. Fitz Roy able to navigate successfully?
(a) the Great Barrier Reef
(b) the Strait of Magellan
(c) the Sea of Sighs
(d) the Antarctic Channel

4. What is the product of the ugly palms Darwin sees going up the mountain?
(a) fiber for making ropes
(b) large dates used to feed cattle
(c) thatching for shack roofs
(d) sweet sap from which syrup is made

5. Where does Darwin prepare to cross the Andes Mountains through the Portillo pass?
(a) at Lima
(b) at Santiago
(c) at Valparaiso
(d) at Bogota

6. Where does Darwin find olive and orange trees and many varieties of vegetables?
(a) at the Bay of Valparaiso
(b) in the Valley of Paradise
(c) in the Market of Santiago
(d) on the sides of Mount Compana

7. Who are the unusually tall people compared to other natives of the area?
(a) the Incas
(b) the Argentinians
(c) the Tierrans
(d) the Patagonians

8. What has Darwin observed on the 3,200 mile trip from the Galapagos?
(a) a maelstrom
(b) a formation of coral known as an atoll
(c) great white sharks circling the Beagle
(d) a blue whale mother and baby

9. What unusual thing exists on another island some miles away from Keeling Island?
(a) deciduous trees
(b) fresh water wells
(c) strange monoliths
(d) hot spring geysers

10. What turns out to be a raised plain about 3,000 feet above sea level?
(a) the inland sea bed
(b) the Blue Mountain foothills
(c) the Blue Mountains
(d) Ayers Rock

11. How does Darwin describe the water at the lagoon?
(a) light blue
(b) canary yellow
(c) deep green
(d) almost white

12. What does the host at the Hacienda de San Isidro provide for Darwin?
(a) a secretary to transcribe his notes
(b) clothes more suitable for the weather
(c) maps of the Chilean coastline
(d) a fresh horse and a guide

13. What does Darwin see as the disadvantages such as monetary inflation and a sense of personal anonymity in Sydney?
(a) an ineffective government
(b) the number of criminals there
(c) its distance from Europe
(d) the effects of rapid growth

14. Where does Darwin see plants and animals similar to what he saw on the plains of Patagonia?
(a) at their camp at Los Arenales
(b) at Machu Picchu
(c) at the summit of the mountains
(d) in mountain caves

15. What is the modern name of the large island off the eastern coast of Africa, known at the time Darwin was there as the Isle of France?
(a) Gibraltar
(b) Zanzibar
(c) Ceylon
(d) Mauritius

Short Answer Questions

1. How are farms operated in Australia as Darwin rides through the countryside?

2. Arriving in Matavai Bay, what do they see coming toward the Beagle?

3. Why does the Beagle stop for three days at the Chonos Archipelago?

4. What does Darwin find in relationship to his interest in plants and animals?

5. Why do Darwin and Mariano Gonzales take ten pack mules on the trek across the Andes?

(see the answer keys)

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