The Voyage of the Beagle Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Voyage of the Beagle Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is a puppy that will become a sheep dog put in with a herd to grow up?
(a) It grows up understanding what sheep say.
(b) It grows up antagonistic to sheep.
(c) It grows up believing it is a sheep.
(d) It grows up loving sheep.

2. What is Darwin's profession?
(a) a 19th century ship's captain
(b) a 19th century chemist
(c) a 19th century map maker
(d) a 19th century naturalist

3. What causes the different colored water Darwin sees after leaving Bahia?
(a) undersea volcano eruptions
(b) color from iron oxide deposits
(c) variance in temperature
(d) small interlocking organisms

4. In addition to the volcanic formation of St. Domingo, what does Darwin notice about the island?
(a) large mud floes
(b) evidence of diamond formations
(c) strange stratas of slate
(d) a band of chalk

5. What is Darwin's assessment of the natives on Tierra del Fuego?
(a) They are intelligent enough to someday become civilized.
(b) They are too primitive to civilize.
(c) They are an advanced civilization.
(d) They are stupid because of inbreeding.

6. What does Darwin have to do for two days at the military encampment?
(a) classify the various fish caught in the Colorado
(b) little else but observe the natives
(c) catch up on entries in his journal
(d) listen to stories about native religion

7. What does Darwin observe that is formed by lightning hitting the hills and traversing through the sand?
(a) black glass
(b) silicone balls
(c) glass tubes
(d) veins of gold

8. Sailing away from Rio de Janeiro, what does Darwin see?
(a) giant squid
(b) shark infested waters
(c) hundreds of porpoises
(d) a pod of whales

9. What is a particular riding skill of a gaucho?
(a) standing up in the saddle at full gallop
(b) going around a post at full gallop touching a finger to the post
(c) riding on the underside of the horse to avoid detection
(d) riding for days without getting out of the saddle

10. Who are the people living on Tierra del Fuego?
(a) Argentinians
(b) primitive and impoverished natives
(c) abandoned African slaves
(d) Spanish settlers

11. Leaving Monte Video, where is the Beagle headed?
(a) for North America
(b) for Alaska
(c) for Baja California
(d) for Port Desire on the coast of Patagonia

12. What do the Brazilian villages remind Darwin of?
(a) Scottish villages
(b) paintings of early Egypt
(c) the Hottentot dwellings of Southern Africa
(d) settlements on Cape de Verd

13. What does Darwin find while exploring Cape de Verd?
(a) fossils of extremely large land animals
(b) a cemetery with headstones dating back to the 16th century
(c) remains of a forgotten 14th century civilization
(d) an amazing variety of strange plants

14. What do the gauchos bring down using their bolas?
(a) game, cattle, horses, or humans
(b) birds, monkeys, or crocodiles
(c) elephants, lions, and kangaroos
(d) trees, cacti, or boulders

15. What amusing thing does Darwin witness outside of Monte Video?
(a) a gaucho crossing a deep river with a reluctant horse
(b) a chicken trying to scare a fox
(c) a rabbit hitching a rind on a crocodile
(d) a small owl trying to catch an anaconda

Short Answer Questions

1. What are the dates of Charles Darwin's life span?

2. Where do the people show hospitality and allow Darwin to stay at various outposts and ranches?

3. After the return to Rio de Janeiro, where does Darwin stay that is rich in resources for the naturalist?

4. Who invites Darwin to visit an estate near Rio de Janeiro?

5. What is the guanaco Darwin sees on the way to the Sauce military outpost?

(see the answer keys)

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