The Virgin Suicides Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Virgin Suicides Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What major event has never happened in the town during the boys' lifetimes?
(a) A funeral.
(b) A parade.
(c) A wedding.
(d) A flood.

2. From where do the boys watch the paramedics arrive at the Lisbon house?
(a) Mr. Larson's Oldsmobile.
(b) The Lisbons' yard.
(c) The roof of the neighbors' house.
(d) The Lisbons' porch.

3. What does Mr. Lisbon say was Cecilia's state of mind the day she killed herself?
(a) Bored.
(b) Pleased about the upcoming party.
(c) Very sad.
(d) Angry about having to help with the party.

4. What does Cecilia do for the majority of the afternoon on the day she died?
(a) She takes a bath.
(b) She reads a magazine.
(c) She helps decorate the house.
(d) She takes a nap.

5. What kind of music does Cecilia like to listen to?
(a) Rock music.
(b) Bluegrass music.
(c) Classical pieces.
(d) Celtic singers.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Cecilia do after leaving the party before going upstairs?

2. Which sister interrupts one of the boys in his search through their bathroom?

3. Who leaves the party early?

4. What is one of Cecilia's major subjects near the end of the diary?

5. What happens just as the paramedics arrive?

Short Essay Questions

1. What major revelation do the boys have upon entering the Lisbon girls' party?

2. Describe Cecilia's ascent from the party to her bedroom.

3. How does the Lisbon girls' party differ from other parties the boys have attended?

4. How did Cecilia Lisbon die?

5. How did the emergency workers retrieve Cecilia's body?

6. Who was Dominic Palazzano and what was his part in Cecilia's story?

7. What are Cecilia's two moods toward the end of the diary?

8. What does the cemetery where Cecilia's service is held look like?

9. How did the boys obtain Cecilia's diary?

10. What does Peter Sissen find in the Lisbon girls' bathroom?

(see the answer keys)

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