The Virgin Suicides Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Virgin Suicides Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of music does Cecilia like to listen to?
(a) Rock music.
(b) Celtic singers.
(c) Classical pieces.
(d) Bluegrass music.

2. Where does Dominic end up moving to?
(a) New Hampshire.
(b) New Jersey.
(c) New York.
(d) New Mexico.

3. Which of these things is not found in Cecilia's room by Lucy Brock?
(a) Tarot cards.
(b) Black underwear.
(c) A Ouija board.
(d) A zodiac mobile.

4. How does Cecilia succeed in killing herself?
(a) She impales herself on a fence.
(b) She slits her wrists.
(c) She hangs herself.
(d) She takes sleeping pills.

5. Where is Mr. Lisbon's razor found?
(a) In the medicine cabinet.
(b) In the sink.
(c) In the toilet.
(d) In the bathtub.

6. What is Mrs. Lisbon's reaction to Cecilia's asking to leave the party?
(a) She is surprised.
(b) She doesn't care.
(c) She is angry.
(d) She is sad.

7. What does Mr. Lisbon show the boys during the party?
(a) The girls' bronzed baby shoes.
(b) An autographed baseball.
(c) His tools.
(d) Old photographs.

8. What accessory is Cecilia wearing at the party?
(a) Bracelets.
(b) Necklaces.
(c) Scarves.
(d) Rings.

9. Which of the Lisbon girls is the last to attempt suicide?
(a) Mary.
(b) Bonnie.
(c) Therese.
(d) Cecilia.

10. Who leaves the party early?
(a) Joe the Retard.
(b) Diana Porter.
(c) Cecilia Lisbon.
(d) Mrs. Lisbon.

11. What does Paul say the concrete tree stump in his yard is?
(a) The entrance to a secret tunnel.
(b) A safe.
(c) A fountain.
(d) A barbecue.

12. What does Mrs. Pitzenberger think she sees in Cecilia's hand?
(a) A suitcase.
(b) A balloon.
(c) A cup of punch.
(d) A book.

13. Which of these is NOT something the boys get Joe to do?
(a) Call heads or tails for a coin flip.
(b) Dance.
(c) Sing.
(d) Wiggle his ears.

14. Which Lisbon girl is thought of as "the weird sister"?
(a) Mary.
(b) Cecilia.
(c) Bonnie.
(d) Lux.

15. There is one boy that the rest of the group of boys are afraid of. Who is he?
(a) Paul Baldino.
(b) Peter Sissen.
(c) Joe Larson.
(d) Chase Buell.

Short Answer Questions

1. What feature of the cemetery where Cecilia's funeral is held stands out most to the mourners?

2. What do the paramedics do first upon arriving at the Lisbon house?

3. Which of the Lisbon girls is the first to attempt suicide?

4. What is Mrs. Lisbon serving at the party?

5. Where is Cecilia during the majority of the party?

(see the answer keys)

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