The Vinland Sagas: The Norse Discovery of America Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Vinland Sagas: The Norse Discovery of America Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who tries to join Leif Eiriksson in his journey but was injured at the last moment?

2. What do Eirik's slaves do that caused problems?

3. What does Gudrid see that no one else sees?

4. What does Eirik do when he finds Greenland?

5. What is the result of the trouble the slaves started?

Short Essay Questions

1. Explain what happened to Aud's husband and son.

2. Where do Karlsefni and Gudrid travel? What becomes of them?

3. How does Leif become aware of Freydis' behavior on Vinland and what does he do about it?

4. Describe the interactions the settlers have with the natives.

5. Who is Thorir and what happens to him?

6. How did Eirik know to look for Greenland? What did he do when he found it?

7. What strategy do Leif and his men employ to explore the area around them on this new shore?

8. What kind of person is Freydis? Give examples.

9. What does the saga of Gudrid's Ancestry tell us about Aud's faith and what she does to practice it?

10. What does the prophecy told to Gudrid tell her about her future?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

What are the Icelandic Sagas?

Part 1. What are the Icelandic Sagas? When were they written and by whom?

Part 2. Why are the Icelandic Sagas important historically? What do we know from them?

Part 3. Summarize and analyze the content of the Vinland sagas.

Essay Topic 2

Gudrid (Gudridur Thorbjarnardottir) is possibly one of the best documented and traveled women of her era. Do further outside research and write an essay about Gudrid.

Part 1. Who was Gudrid? Who were her family?

Part 2. What kind of person was Gudrid? How did this affect her life?

Part 3. Where did Gudrid travel during her life? How and why did she travel so extensively?

Part 4. What other major events happened during Gudrid's life and how did she handle them?

Essay Topic 3

Write an essay about Erik the Red.

Part 1. Who was Erik the Red? When and where did he live and die?

Part 2. How do we know about Erick the Red? What sources do we have regarding him?

Part 3. Write a brief biography about Erik the Red. Include what he did throughout his life and his reasons for doing those things. Who were his children?

(see the answer keys)

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