The Vinland Sagas: The Norse Discovery of America Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Vinland Sagas: The Norse Discovery of America Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Karsefni and his crew pick up on their way home?
(a) Two native boys.
(b) The body of Thorvald.
(c) Wrecked sailors.
(d) Some men that abandoned Thorhall when he left to sail home.

2. What do the traders offer Eirik the Red when they arrive at Brattahlid?
(a) Their cargo for his home.
(b) A share in their business.
(c) That he could have anything he wanted from their cargos.
(d) To introduce him to the king of Norway.

3. Where does Thorhall announce he wants to go as he hoists the sail to part company with Karlsefni?
(a) To claim the best land as his own.
(b) Ireland.
(c) Back to their countrymen at home.
(d) Into the wilderness and away from the Christians.

4. Who is Thorfinn Karlsfni?
(a) An embassador from the king of Norway.
(b) The son of the Icelandic king.
(c) A sea going merchant of distinction from Iceland.
(d) A Norwegian merchant.

5. Who travels with Thorbjorn to Greenland?
(a) No one but Gudrid and his slaves.
(b) About thrity friends.
(c) Three entire ships of people.
(d) Einar.

6. What first attracts Einar to Gudrid?
(a) Her intelligence.
(b) Her humor.
(c) Her height.
(d) Her beauty.

7. Why does Eirik get depressed as Christmas draws near when he has guests staying at Brattahlid?
(a) He misses his son Thorstein.
(b) Marital problems.
(c) He is reminded of his banishment from Iceland.
(d) He only has supplies to provide a meager Christmas for his guests.

8. Which of the following best describes the clothes of the prophetess Thorbjorg?
(a) Elaborate and ornate.
(b) Practical and common.
(c) Tattered and loose fitting.
(d) Sparse and simple.

9. What happens when Karlsefni and his men meet the natives?
(a) They stared at each other and then the natives left.
(b) Gudrid started converting them to Christianity.
(c) Karlsefni took them prisoner.
(d) They fought, and several of Karlsefni's men are killed.

10. How is the marriage of Gudrid and Thorstein Eriksson received by their families?
(a) With anger from Thorbjorn.
(b) With disappointment from Eirik.
(c) It was well received on all sides.
(d) Both fathers disapproved of the match.

11. What caused Bjarni Grimolfsson's ship to sink?
(a) It was over laden with cargo coming back from Vinland.
(b) It was old and falling apart.
(c) Poor repairs done at sea.
(d) Maggots in the water.

12. How were the men split between Karlsefni and Thorhall?
(a) The Christians wanted to go with Karlsefni, the others withThorhall.
(b) None of the men wanted to go with Thorhall.
(c) Only nine men wanted to go with Thorhall, the rest with Karlsefni.
(d) Karlsefni split the men so half would go with each ship.

13. Why does Karlsefni sail North when he decides to leave Vinland?
(a) Because he wants to complete a map of the coast.
(b) To depart from their point of arrival.
(c) To look for Thorhall.
(d) To ensure food as long as possible.

14. Who initializes the marriage between Karlsefni and Gudrid?
(a) Karlsefni.
(b) None of the above.
(c) Gudrid.
(d) Eirik the Red.

15. What do Karsefni and his crew learn about the natives?
(a) They lived in caves or holes in the ground.
(b) All of the above.
(c) They had two kings, Avaldamon and Valdidida.
(d) They knew of a land of Europeans.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who were Haki and Hekja?

2. How does Thorbjorn announce his departure to Greenland?

3. How does Freydis get left behind?

4. What does Thorkel prepare for Thorbjorg before her arrival?

5. What does the expedition see as they approach Vinland?

(see the answer keys)

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