The Veldt Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 76 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Veldt Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 76 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does the family plan on going for vacation?
(a) To Oklahoma
(b) To Iowa
(c) To Hawaii
(d) To Florida

2. Who initially believes that the nursery walls are too real?
(a) Peter
(b) Lydia
(c) George
(d) Wendy

3. What is George going to do with the nursery?
(a) Keep it locked until he can figure out what is going on and why it is the veldt, and why his walled was in there
(b) He is going to secretly take out the machine and pretend like he doesn’t know what is wrong
(c) Nothing; he doesn’t think that anything is wrong with the nursery
(d) Nothing; he doesn’t want to deal with the children throwing a tantrum

4. How do the children tell their parents that they won’t be home for dinner?
(a) They just come home late
(b) They transported an image of themselves
(c) They called on a cellular phone
(d) They “televised” home to say they’d be late

5. What form of writing is The Veldt?
(a) A novella
(b) A poem
(c) A short story
(d) A novel

Short Answer Questions

1. Who are they going to have come look at Africa (the nursery) the following morning?

2. How long has the African veldt been in the nursery?

3. What turns on and off as they walk through the house?

4. What does George offer David McClean?

5. What does Dr.McClean find on the floor?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is odd about the children when Dr.McClean arrives?

2. George says that his children treat him as if he were the offspring. Provide examples of this sentiment from the text.

3. Before the African veldt, what did the children conjure in the nursery?

4. In the past, what has David McClean noticed about the nursery?

5. How do Peter and Wendy trick George and Lydia into the nursery?

6. What do they see when they all walk into the nursery together so that George can prove Africa is in there?

7. How do the children react when George and David McClean shut the nursery off?

8. How do Wendy and Peter react when George asks them about Africa?

9. How does Peter accidentally confess that they have, in fact, been conjuring Africa?

10. Where do George and Lydia realize they’ve heard the screams before?

(see the answer keys)

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