The Veldt Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 76 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Veldt Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 76 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do George and Lydia notice about the screams?
(a) They don’t sound human
(b) They sound really close
(c) They sound really far away
(d) They sound familiar

2. What does Wendy offer Dr.McClean?
(a) A cup of tea
(b) A scone and jam
(c) A cup of coffee
(d) A ham and cheese sandwich

3. How much did the nursery cost in comparison to the rest of the house?
(a) Thrice as much
(b) Twice as much
(c) One third as much
(d) One-half as much

4. What does Lydia hear that George does not?
(a) A scream
(b) Classical music
(c) Their children calling them
(d) Songbirds

5. Who says: “Nothing likes to die—even a room”?
(a) George Hadley
(b) Peter Hadley
(c) David McCLean
(d) Lydia Hadley

Short Answer Questions

1. From whose perspective is the story told?

2. What are the children doing when Dr. McClean arrives?

3. What is forgotten, and then quickly produced, at the dinner table?

4. What does Dr. McClean state as one of the original uses of the nursery?

5. What does Dr.McClean say that George has become?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does George feel perspiration on his brown when he is in the nursery?

2. Describe the nursery. Why is it a special room? What are the dimensions?

3. When George is sitting at dinner, he begins to think about the African veldt in the nursery. What does he realize the children have been thinking of, and why does it make him uneasy?

4. Why does Lydia want George to lock up the nursery?

5. Where are George and Lydia Hadley?

6. How does Peter accidentally confess that they have, in fact, been conjuring Africa?

7. What does Dr. McClean suggest that George do to the nursery?

8. How does the house take care of them?

9. Why does George laugh at Lydia once she runs out of the nursery?

10. What does Lydia hear that George does not – at least at first?

(see the answer keys)

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