The Veldt Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 76 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Veldt Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 76 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who comes home late smelling like ozone?
(a) George and Lydia
(b) Max and Ruby
(c) David
(d) Peter and Wendy

2. What is the family’s surname?
(a) McClean
(b) Rosemont
(c) Hadley
(d) Bradbury

3. What is on the wallet?
(a) Bits of grass, water and mud
(b) A green goo that is undecipherable
(c) Drops of saliva, chew marks, and smears of blood
(d) Nothing; it is clean

4. How long has the African veldt been in the nursery?
(a) About two weeks
(b) Just this morning
(c) One week
(d) A little over a month

5. What is a major theme of The Veldt?
(a) Living in poverty
(b) Finding true love
(c) War between two families
(d) Technology replacing human connection

6. What does George offer David McClean?
(a) Breakfast
(b) The newspaper
(c) A ride back to his office
(d) A cup of tea

7. Who says, “I don’t want to do anything but look and listen and smell; what else is there to do”?
(a) George
(b) Peter
(c) Lydia
(d) Wendy

8. How many children are there in the family?
(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) One

9. What is supposed to help the children “work off their neuroses in a healthful way”?
(a) Their robot friends
(b) Their special school
(c) The nursery
(d) Their designated nap times

10. Where do George and Lydia believe Wendy and Peter are?
(a) In the nursery
(b) At school
(c) At a plastic carnival across town
(d) At their robot friend’s house

11. What do George and Lydia hear while they are lying in bed?
(a) Their children whispering
(b) Two screams
(c) Lions roaring
(d) The front door opening and closing

12. What is the problem that Lydia is beginning to feel with the house?
(a) That it is too cold with all of the machines
(b) She feels that the house is too expensive
(c) That it no longer does what she expects it to
(d) she and George are becoming unnecessary

13. What trembles as if “something had jumped against it”?
(a) The entire house
(b) The door to the nursery
(c) The dining room table
(d) Lydia’s heart

14. Where does the family plan on going for vacation?
(a) To Oklahoma
(b) To Florida
(c) To Hawaii
(d) To Iowa

15. What does Dr. McClean suggest George and Lydia do to change the path they’re on?
(a) Burn the house down
(b) Nothing. You’re on the right path
(c) Nothing. Your life is a like a dream
(d) Turn everything off. Start new

Short Answer Questions

1. What do they see when they look to the sky?

2. Why does George laugh at Lydia?

3. What concerns George?

4. Who initially suggests that the family take a vacation and “shut the house off”?

5. What is their home called?

(see the answer keys)

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