The Vanishing Half Test | Final Test - Easy

Brit Bennett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Vanishing Half Test | Final Test - Easy

Brit Bennett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who stars in 'The Midnight Marauders'?
(a) Reese.
(b) Early.
(c) Jude.
(d) Kennedy.

2. What does Jude reveal to Kennedy at the cast party?
(a) Their mothers are twins.
(b) She is her sister.
(c) She is gay.
(d) Their mothers are white.

3. What does Stella realize about Loretta on Christmas day?
(a) She is her best friend.
(b) She needs to move out of Palace Estates.
(c) She needs to continue their friendship.
(d) She needs to end their friendship.

4. Who is Jude defensive of when she works a cleaning job?
(a) Kennedy.
(b) Stella.
(c) Reese.
(d) Barry.

5. What do Kennedy's parents give her as a surprise?
(a) An apartment.
(b) A private jet.
(c) A dog.
(d) A car.

6. How does Stella get an office job in New Orleans?
(a) She bribes the employer.
(b) She does not get an office job.
(c) She pretends to be white.
(d) She applies as a Black girl.

7. What does Loretta tell Stella on Christmas day?
(a) To leave the neighborhood.
(b) That she knows her secret.
(c) To stay away from her.
(d) To come inside.

8. Who confesses to Jude backstage at the Stardust?
(a) Stella.
(b) Barry.
(c) Kennedy.
(d) Desiree.

9. Who is Stella's boss at her office job?
(a) Mr. Snow.
(b) Mr. Kane.
(c) Mr. Smith.
(d) Mr. Sanders.

10. How does Jude always feel around Kennedy?
(a) Safe.
(b) Desperate.
(c) Stupid.
(d) Angry.

11. What kind of restaurant does Jude work at in 1982?
(a) A diner.
(b) A French restaurant.
(c) A Korean restaurant.
(d) A Chinese restaurant.

12. What does Stella tell her neighbors about Reginald?
(a) She says nothing about him.
(b) He makes her uncomfortable.
(c) She likes him.
(d) She is indifferent about him.

13. What is 'The Midnight Marauders'?
(a) A sitcom.
(b) A musical.
(c) A documentary.
(d) A movie.

14. Who does Kennedy bump into in New York?
(a) Stella.
(b) Desiree.
(c) Jude.
(d) Adele.

15. What do people call Stella at her office job?
(a) Stella.
(b) Stacy.
(c) Miss Vignes.
(d) White Stella.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Stella ask Desiree to do when they reunite?

2. Who dies at the end of the book?

3. What does Kennedy tell Jude about Stella?

4. Where does Jude get a cleaning job?

5. Why does Jude get a cleaning job?

(see the answer keys)

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