The Vagina Monologues Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Eve Ensler
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Vagina Monologues Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Eve Ensler
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. For what type of venue was the Vagina Monologues originally written?
(a) Archives.
(b) Stage production.
(c) Street performances.
(d) College students.

2. How old was the last female patient to have a clitoral removal in the United States?
(a) 10.
(b) 20.
(c) 30.
(d) 5.

3. What does the author describe at the beginning of the introductions to "My Vagina was a Village" that impacted her greatly?
(a) A statistic.
(b) A book.
(c) A poem.
(d) A photograph.

4. How would the euphemisms used in the opening comments before the play describing the vagina be described?
(a) Serious.
(b) Humorous.
(c) Excited.
(d) Inquisitive.

5. What is the title of the first monologue in the book?
(a) "I Was There in the Room".
(b) "Hair".
(c) "My Angry Vagina".
(d) "Crooked Braid".

6. What weapon of war does the author wish to raise awareness of in the introductions to "My Vagina was a Village"?
(a) Murder.
(b) Torture.
(c) Rape.
(d) Kidnapping.

7. What are the ideals that the speaker of "My Angry Vagina" would like on a trip to the doctor's office?
(a) Softness and gentleness.
(b) Hardness.
(c) Excitedness.
(d) Niceness.

8. What idea does the workshop discussed in "The Vagina Workshop" want women to go towards?
(a) Having an orgasm.
(b) Becoming better women.
(c) Having sex with other women.
(d) Having sex with their husbands.

9. Why does a woman claim her husband started "screwing around" in the first monologue of the play?
(a) She didn't please him sexually.
(b) She cheated on him.
(c) She had children.
(d) She gained weight.

10. What does the speaker of "My Angry Vagina" say she doesn't want her vagina to be anymore?
(a) Upset.
(b) Happy.
(c) Sad.
(d) Angry.

11. Complete the sentence at the end of "My Angry Vagina" in regards to her vagina, "It wants _________".
(a) Something.
(b) Happiness.
(c) Everything.
(d) Nothing.

12. What war does the author discuss in the introductions to "My Vagina was a Village"?
(a) The Bosnian War.
(b) The Korean War.
(c) The Vietnam War.
(d) The Cold War.

13. Which of the following items does the speaker of "My Angry Vagina" not describe as being an unpleasant invasion on her vagina?
(a) Penises.
(b) Fingers.
(c) Tampons.
(d) Gynecologists.

14. What does the quote used at the beginning of "The Vagina Workshop" use to describe the vagina?
(a) A shell or flower.
(b) A butterfly.
(c) A fountain.
(d) A diamond.

15. How does the speaker of "My Angry Vagina" speak in the monologue?
(a) Bluntly.
(b) Softly.
(c) Happily.
(d) Quickly.

Short Answer Questions

1. Complete the following sentence from the Preface in the book, "[Vaginas] become part of our bodies, connected to our minds, fueling our _____".

2. What age group are the women that are first discussed in the introduction to "The Flood"?

3. What does the speaker of "The Flood" say brought on her first experience with a flood?

4. Who advises the woman in the introduction to "The Flood", who had never seen her vagina, to take time and find her clitoris?

5. What does a woman's boyfriend help her to do in regards to her vagina in "Because He Liked to Look at It"?

(see the answer keys)

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