The Upright Revolution Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 62 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Upright Revolution Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 62 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which creatures gathered at the contest first?
(a) The two-leggeds.
(b) The four-legged animals.
(c) Insects.
(d) The water dwellers.

2. What issue does Eyes have while Hands tries to complete the challenge?
(a) They are distracted looking at all the feet and hooves.
(b) They cannot seem to open once upside down.
(c) They can see nothing but the ground.
(d) They are getting too much dust in them.

3. Who are among the two-legged spectators?
(a) Ostrich, Emu, and Chicken.
(b) Chicken, Turkey, and Peacock.
(c) Peacock, Antelope, and Zebra.
(d) Ostrich, Guinea-Fowl, and Peacock.

4. What is Legs challenged to do at the contest?
(a) Type a letter.
(b) Cook a meal.
(c) Pick up a piece of wood and throw it.
(d) Sew a blanket.

5. What do the two-leggeds do to show their excitement?
(a) Hop up and down.
(b) Squawk wildly.
(c) Gnash their beaks.
(d) Flap their wings.

6. What problem did Hands encounter when they succeeded at turning the body upside down?
(a) They hurt from the gravel below.
(b) The heat from the ground made it impossible to stay like that for long.
(c) They could barely move.
(d) A four-legged stepped on them causing the Body to topple over.

7. What happens after Hands manages to move the Body a few steps once upside down?
(a) A four-legged steps on them causing the Body to topple over.
(b) Legs kicks in fury and the Body falls.
(c) Arms are declared the winner.
(d) Arms and Hands cry out in pain and fall.

8. What word is used to describe what "arrogant Fingers" thinks of Legs challenge to Arms?
(a) Stupid.
(b) Asinine.
(c) Simple.
(d) Juvenile.

9. What creature runs around and refuses to settle down at the contest between Arms and Legs?
(a) Peacock.
(b) Worm.
(c) Chameleon.
(d) Lizard.

10. What is one of the creatures that "crawled bout on the ground or trees" (25) at the contest between Arms and Legs?
(a) Cricket.
(b) Chameloeon.
(c) Spider.
(d) Lizard.

11. Who carried word of the contest across the forest, water, and air?
(a) Snake.
(b) Bird.
(c) Lion.
(d) Wind.

12. Which contest spectators are said to be bowing?
(a) The trees.
(b) Rhinos.
(c) Gorilla.
(d) Monkeys.

13. What does Legs challenge Arms to do in the contest?
(a) Legs challenges that Hands should ride a bicycle around the circle of spectators.
(b) Legs challenges that Arms should skip around the spectators' circle.
(c) Legs challenges that Hands should carry the whole body from one part of the circle to the other.
(d) Legs challenges that Arms should run from one side of the forest to the other.

14. What do the four-legged creatures carry with them to show they come in peace?
(a) Yellow ribbons.
(b) White poppies.
(c) Green branches.
(d) White doves.

15. What does Arms to do show off their capabilities after Legs cannot complete the challenge?
(a) Writes a letter.
(b) Builds a house.
(c) Flips through a book.
(d) Threads needles and hurls spears.

Short Answer Questions

1. What move by Hands is disqualified because it needed Legs' assistance?

2. Which body part began the contest with a song?

3. What creatures are described as joining to watch the contest following the water-dwellers?

4. Who "showed off their slim looks" (32) after Legs was unsuccessful in the challenge?

5. What do the spectators do after Arms shows off their capabilities, which upsets Legs?

(see the answer keys)

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