The Unvanquished: The Corrected Text Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Unvanquished: The Corrected Text Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Granny try to ensure not being caught by the Union in her scheme?
(a) She never makes the sales deals.
(b) She befriends the troops.
(c) She makes herself seem older and ignorant.
(d) She never visits the same camp twice.

2. What is special about the paper Ringo acquires for Granny?
(a) It made from a rare tree.
(b) It belonged to a famous Confederate Colonel.
(c) It has secret notes written on it.
(d) It has the official stamp of the Union.

3. The Methodist preacher in town used to be a _______.
(a) Confederate private.
(b) Union soldier.
(c) Farmer for the Sartoris family.
(d) Catholic priest.

4. How do the women of Jefferson rearrange the town?
(a) They build the houses in a more northern style.
(b) They separate blacks and whites.
(c) They expand downtown.
(d) They have strict single-sex housing.

5. What was Granny saving some money from the scheme for?
(a) To bail her cousin out of prison.
(b) To make a new life after the war.
(c) To hire a hit man.
(d) To buy her slaves back.

Short Answer Questions

1. Before the war, Benbow was ______.

2. What do Bayard and Ringo request from Uncle Buck after Granny's funeral?

3. How do Ringo, Bayard, and Buck know they are on the right track to findings Grumby and Ab?

4. Why can't Buck continue on with the boys?

5. How much did Sartoris beat Benbow by in the election?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why doesn't Bayard kill Ab?

2. Who is the most effective weapon against the Union army? How so?

3. Has the war changed Sartoris? How?

4. What was Granny's motive in stealing and selling mules?

5. Why does the Union army burn many plantation houses?

6. Is Drusilla's relationship with Sartoris suspicious? What problem does this present?

7. What is the climax of "The Unvanquished"? Why?

8. Is Aunt Louisa's confrontation of Drusilla's masculinity humorous banter? Why or why not?

9. How does Granny represent the title of the novel?

10. What is the purpose of the rainy weather in "Vendee"?

(see the answer keys)

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