The Untouchable (novel) Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Untouchable (novel) Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who are the few men who come to the latrines wearing long white tunics and loose trousers?
(a) Sepoys.
(b) Priests.
(c) Muslims.
(d) Fakirs.

2. How does Bakha feel when he observes the services taking place inside the temple?
(a) Fearful.
(b) Angry.
(c) Confused.
(d) Moved.

3. On page 6, what do the outcaste boys start calling Bakha after he starts wearing British clothing?
(a) "Bakha-Britain."
(b) "Sergeant Sweeper."
(c) "Imitation sahib."
(d) "O bey brother-in-law."

4. What is the image in the model temple at the base of the banyan tree?
(a) A monkey.
(b) A tiger.
(c) A snake.
(d) An elephant.

5. What does Sohini eventually admit to her brother the priest did to her?
(a) Grabbed her breasts.
(b) Made improper sexual suggestions.
(c) Threatened to get their father in trouble.
(d) Chastised her for not cleaning properly.

6. Why do the outcastes gather in a crowd at the well?
(a) They must wait for someone higher-caste to draw the water.
(b) They are not allowed to draw water until all of the higher-caste homes have drawn theirs.
(c) It is a chance to talk and exchange gossip.
(d) It is a chance to take a break from their long workdays.

7. What does Bakha tell Sohini he is going to do when he sends her home with his cleaning equipment?
(a) Go back and make the priest admit what he did.
(b) Go to get the family some food.
(c) Go back and kill the priest.
(d) Go make a complaint to the police.

8. What does Charat Singh offer Bakha?
(a) A job in the cantonment.
(b) A hockey stick.
(c) A bag of sweets.
(d) A handful of coins.

9. How many times does Bakha try to mount the temple steps before he has the courage to get all the way to the top step?
(a) 5.
(b) 3.
(c) 2.
(d) 4.

10. What does the word "Pundit" mean (19)?
(a) A high-caste person.
(b) A merchant.
(c) A scholar.
(d) A religious leader.

11. On page 9, what does the narrator compare Bakha's capacity for work to?
(a) The burning of a fire.
(b) The shining of glass.
(c) Water flowing from a stream.
(d) Wind shaking the leaves.

12. What has Bakha successfully taught himself from the book he bought?
(a) How to read.
(b) How to write.
(c) The alphabet.
(d) Basic math.

13. Who is the author of Untouchable?
(a) Mulk Raj Anand.
(b) R. K. Narayan.
(c) Khushwant Singh.
(d) Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay.

14. What is the narrator referring to when he describes Bakha wanting to speak the "tish-mish, tish-mish" (30)?
(a) The sounds of spoken English.
(b) The language of Bakha's Muslim neighbors.
(c) Hindu ritual chants and prayers.
(d) A higher-status dialect of Hindi.

15. What animals does the man that Bakha bumps in the street repeatedly compare Bakha to?
(a) A dog and a pig.
(b) A pig and a goat.
(c) A goat and a monkey.
(d) A monkey and a dog.

Short Answer Questions

1. On page 28, what does the narrator say prevails in the lives of the outcastes?

2. What is Bakha's first response when he hears the priest cry out "Polluted, polluted, polluted" (50)?

3. What gesture does Bakha continuously make in order to try to placate the man that he has bumped on the street?

4. What is the priest's real motivation in serving Sohini first?

5. What did Lakha borrow money from Ganesh Nath, the bania, to pay for?

(see the answer keys)

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