The Unteachables Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Unteachables Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When will the state science assessment be?
(a) October 3.
(b) October 30.
(c) October 23.
(d) October 9.

2. Where does Miss Fountain say that she ran into Jake Terranova?
(a) Swimming pool.
(b) Church.
(c) Dealership.
(d) Her parents' country club.

3. How many vuvuzelas are in each carton?
(a) 10 dozen.
(b) 144.
(c) 175.
(d) 6 dozen.

4. In Chapter 21, who is working with Parker on anagrams?
(a) Mateo.
(b) Elaine.
(c) Kiana.
(d) Rhaim.

5. When Kiana is studying in Chapter 23, what does her stepmother bring her?
(a) Cookies and milk.
(b) Ice tea.
(c) Soda.
(d) Crackers and cheese.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Mr. Kermit's new habit in Chapter 17?

2. When Kiana takes a practice test for the science exam in Chapter 23, what is her score?

3. How many of the vuvuzelas were recovered from the river?

4. What does Elaine spit into the engine of a Corvette?

5. In Chapter 20, how much does Mr. Kermit stuff in the dash of Jake's car?

Short Essay Questions

1. What punishment do the students from SCS-8 get for the vuvuzela incident, and why does Mateo say it a worse punishment than it sounds?

2. Why does Parker think he needs to take his grandmother to the emergency room in Chapter 24, and how does Barnstorm help him not have to take her there?

3. How is Barnstorm channeling his competitive energy now that he cannot play sports?

4. Who works with Parker on anagrams, and why?

5. How does Kiana understand Archimdedes' first law of bouyancy?

6. Why does Kiana think that her half-brother Chauncey and Vladimir the gecko are alike?

7. What announcement comes over the PA while Mr. Kermit is wondering why all of his students are missing in Chapter 13?

8. What does Christina Varga tells Dr. Thaddeus about the cheating incident when it is mentioned in a newspaper article in Chapter 14?

9. What do Parker and the other kids from SCS-8 decide to do when the vuvuzelas are delivered to the school?

10. What does Mrs. Vargas say about Mr. Kermit when he was younger?

(see the answer keys)

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