The Unteachables Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Unteachables Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 17, when does Mr. Kermit do his crossword puzzle?
(a) After school.
(b) Before school.
(c) Weekends.
(d) Evenings.

2. In Chapter 11, what is Aldo eating for lunch?
(a) Vegetable beef soup.
(b) Split pea soup.
(c) Chicken noodle soup.
(d) Tomato soup.

3. In Chapter 15, how long is the entire class of SCS-8 suspended?
(a) 3 days.
(b) The rest of Spirit Week.
(c) 1 week.
(d) 2 weeks.

4. What do the students put on the Goodbunnies chart if they are good?
(a) Ears.
(b) Spots.
(c) Puffy-tails.
(d) Carrots.

5. Who does Mr. Kermit think is a "little less out to lunch" than his other students in Chapter 17?
(a) Mateo.
(b) Elaine.
(c) Rahim.
(d) Kiana.

6. How many of the vuvuzelas were recovered from the river?
(a) 1/3.
(b) 2/3.
(c) About 3/4.
(d) More than 1/2.

7. In Chapter 17, what grade does Mr. Kermit finally give Kiana for her essay?
(a) A-.
(b) A+.
(c) A.
(d) B+.

8. In the service department at Terranova's, about how many vehicles are on lifts being repaired?
(a) At least a dozen.
(b) 15.
(c) Half a dozen.
(d) 11.

9. When the minibus is halfway back to school, who do they have to turn around and go back to get from the dealership?
(a) Barnstorm.
(b) Rahim.
(c) Elaine.
(d) Aldo.

10. Where does Jake take Mr. Kermit after leaving Kingston Motors in Chapter 20?
(a) School.
(b) Library.
(c) Bookstore.
(d) Newstand.

11. Where did Grams do her military service?
(a) Lod.
(b) Ashdod.
(c) Haifa.
(d) Sakhnin.

12. In Chapter 15, what does Parker deliver to the truck stop?
(a) Beans.
(b) Corn.
(c) Cantaloupe.
(d) Peas.

13. During the field trip to the car dealership, what car does Parker want to take for a test drive?
(a) Black BMW.
(b) White pickup.
(c) Silver Corvette.
(d) Red Mustang.

14. In Chapter 15, what equipment is on a rolling cart in SCS-8?
(a) Text books.
(b) Art supplies.
(c) Laptop computers.
(d) School supplies.

15. Who has the most puffy-tails in Chapter 21?
(a) Mateo.
(b) Rahim.
(c) Aldo.
(d) Barnstorm.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many volts does Mr. Kermit think you could put to his students' feet and they still would not excel?

2. What percent do first-place winners of the science fair get added to their grades on the state science assessment?

3. In Chapter 20, how much does Mr. Kermit stuff in the dash of Jake's car?

4. How many vuvuzelas are in each carton?

5. What does Mr. Terranova order for everyone to eat?

(see the answer keys)

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