The Unquiet Earth: A Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

Denise Giardina
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Unquiet Earth: A Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

Denise Giardina
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. A guard at a picket line tells Jackie to get away even though _____________________.
(a) she is scheduled to speak.
(b) she is a member of the press.
(c) she is in no danger.
(d) she is not causing any trouble.

2. With whom does Brenda fall in love?
(a) Toejam.
(b) Tommie Boy.
(c) Toadstool.
(d) Toad.

3. What is the name of the coal company which has negative intent for Homeplace?
(a) West Virginia Mining Company.
(b) Wheeling Coal Mines Inc.
(c) The American Coal Company.
(d) The U.S. Drilling Company.

4. Who is Lech Walesa?
(a) Polish band leader.
(b) Polish Olympic skater.
(c) Polish astronaut.
(d) Polish union leader.

5. What topic does Dillon talk to Jackie about so that she will write an editorial?
(a) The lack of doctors coming to the area.
(b) The dangerous situation with the dam.
(c) The availability of college scholarships.
(d) The abuse of drugs by young people.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the doctor in #89 carrying when he comes to see Dillon?

2. Why does the person in #151 advise Jackie to leave the area?

3. What does Dillon do every year on the anniversary of the day he and Rachel first made love?

4. Who is the minister when Brenda gets married?

5. Dillon tells Jackie about a job opening for a/an __________________ back home.

Short Essay Questions

1. What miracle has Hassel seen?

2. How has Rachel's illness impacted her life?

3. What do Dillon and Arthur Lee do to try to warn the town about the dam which has burst?

4. What are Dillon's emotional reasons for telling Jackie that he is her father?

5. Where does Jackie encounter Tom again and what are the circumstances that have them spending more time together?

6. Why is Dillon driven to tell Jackie that he is her father?

7. Why do the family graves need to be moved after the American Coal Company obtains rights to Homeplace?

8. How does Dillon exhibit his loyalty both in his personal and professional life?

9. What does Tom advise Jackie to do when he unexpectedly show up in town?

10. What are the possible interpretations of Tom's telling Jackie that they are "not done" yet?

(see the answer keys)

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