The Unfair Advantage Test | Final Test - Medium

Mark Donohue
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Unfair Advantage Test | Final Test - Medium

Mark Donohue
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Mark is shocked when what is offered to them?
(a) Free room and board.
(b) Illegal drugs.
(c) Illegal car parts.
(d) Alcohol with a meal.

2. Why is Mark not happy during this chapter?
(a) He is lonely.
(b) He misses the Lolas that were burned.
(c) He often disagrees with Roger Penske.
(d) He is stuck driving a car that is not right for the races in which they are used.

3. A lot of race cars do not run on what fuel?
(a) Diesel.
(b) Gasoline.
(c) Methanol.
(d) Alcohol.

4. They discuss what to do in the event that they cannot find what?
(a) A good enough driver to win the Can-Am races.
(b) A good enough crew chief to win the Can-Am races.
(c) A good enough pit crew to win the Can-Am races.
(d) A good enough car to win the Can-Am races.

5. How does the chapter end?
(a) They win a championship.
(b) They lose.
(c) They almost win a championship.
(d) They enter a championship race.

Short Answer Questions

1. The team makes progress by doing well in Formula ____.

2. This is a ____________ race, but their car has one anyway.

3. This chapter is dated ________________.

4. They look for a way to get further into Formula One racing and realize that the opening at _________________ race track may enable them to get the team to the next level.

5. There is something about one of the cars the Penske team is running at Indianapolis that is particularly ______________ for Mark Donohue.

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Mark say about race cars in general? How does this lead to a reiteration of an important fact?

2. What late adjustment is made regarding the McLaren car and the Eagle cars?

3. Compare the Germans to the Americans.

4. How does the Penske team prepare for Formula One racing?

5. What fact is reiterated using Mark's difficulty at Indianapolis?

6. Describe Mark's disappointing performance. How does this become a positive situation?

7. How does the Penske team almost break one of the racing rules?

8. What takes place right after a victory?

9. What does Mark say about fame and success?

10. Why does the team take the car to Indianapolis for testing? Describe these tests. Is this a good idea? Why or why not?

(see the answer keys)

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