The Unfair Advantage Test | Final Test - Easy

Mark Donohue
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Unfair Advantage Test | Final Test - Easy

Mark Donohue
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Do all drivers have the ability to overcome every challenge that a given race car can pose?
(a) Almost always.
(b) No.
(c) Yes.
(d) Usually.

2. Do the cars require a lot of development after arriving?
(a) No, not usually.
(b) No, never.
(c) Yes.
(d) No, rarely.

3. While the engineers are repairing a car, what happens in the garage?
(a) A cigarette falls on the ground.
(b) A lighter catches fabric on fire.
(c) A spark catches.
(d) A match is lit.

4. Is success as a driver extremely important to Mark?
(a) No.
(b) Sometimes.
(c) Yes.
(d) Rarely.

5. Can all drivers master the same troubles?
(a) No, not always.
(b) Yes, often.
(c) Yes, most of the time.
(d) Yes, always.

6. He tries what the others recommend and he tries other things. Why does he try other things?
(a) To rule out all possibilities.
(b) In case they are wrong or being intentionally deceitful.
(c) He likes to be right.
(d) He is bored.

7. Mark thinks he does not care about being famous until he thinks about what?
(a) How much he enjoys signing autographs.
(b) Being alone and unneeded once the season ends.
(c) How he will feel going back to being a nobody.
(d) His disappointed fans.

8. Why is Mark not happy during this chapter?
(a) He is lonely.
(b) He often disagrees with Roger Penske.
(c) He misses the Lolas that were burned.
(d) He is stuck driving a car that is not right for the races in which they are used.

9. Mark manages to place at the finish in some cases, by doing what?
(a) Running others off the track.
(b) Driving good cars.
(c) Driving to the very best of his ability.
(d) Tricking other drivers.

10. They spend ______________ getting to know the car and how it works and why it has the problems it has.
(a) Weeks.
(b) Months.
(c) Days.
(d) Years.

11. Does Mark feel that any of the fans have even the vaguest idea of what it is he is actually doing?
(a) Yes, most.
(b) Yes, many.
(c) No.
(d) Yes, a few.

12. What is one reason why the other drivers respond the way they do in number 139?
(a) They do not like Mark.
(b) They do not hear Mark.
(c) They do not like to help each other.
(d) They do not know how to deal with these troubles either.

13. They discuss what to do in the event that they cannot find what?
(a) A good enough car to win the Can-Am races.
(b) A good enough driver to win the Can-Am races.
(c) A good enough crew chief to win the Can-Am races.
(d) A good enough pit crew to win the Can-Am races.

14. Will these changes automatically help other drivers?
(a) Often.
(b) Most likely.
(c) No.
(d) Yes.

15. Their experience at Indianapolis proves ________________.
(a) Somewhat helpful.
(b) Not helpful.
(c) Detrimental.
(d) Very helpful.

Short Answer Questions

1. It is normal for race cars to require what?

2. Mark is able to go ______________ at Indianapolis, and when he tells another driver this fact, the other man is shocked and walks off, literally reeling from the blow.

3. When does Mark write this autobiography?

4. Mark's promotion calls for what from Mark?

5. Mark Donohue has a strong, positive instinctive reaction to a new car that the _______________ people have made to try at Indianapolis, where they are underdogs without much experience.

(see the answer keys)

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