The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax Test | Final Test - Medium

Dorothy Gilman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax Test | Final Test - Medium

Dorothy Gilman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What item does Adem tell MRs. Pollifax and Farrell to leave behind when they escape?
(a) His knife.
(b) A coin.
(c) A blanket.
(d) His gun.

2. Who is hit by a rock in Chapter 16?
(a) Vassovic.
(b) Farrell.
(c) Lulash.
(d) Mrs. Pollifax.

3. Who is unable to crawl due to splints?
(a) Lulash.
(b) The Chinese man.
(c) Mrs. Pollifax.
(d) Farrell.

4. Who suggests scaling down a cliff in order to escape?
(a) Mrs. Pollifax.
(b) Lulash.
(c) Farrell.
(d) The Chinese prisoner.

5. How do Mrs. Pollifax and Farrell plan to get out of their cell in order to escape?
(a) Shoot a guard.
(b) Stab a guard in the leg.
(c) Kill a guard.
(d) Hit a guard in the head.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who arrives in a car to help during the escape?

2. What does Mrs. Pollifax believe will make up for not bringing Carstairs the package?

3. What does Mrs. Pollifax plan to wrap in her petticoat to aid in her escape?

4. What does Mrs. Pollifax convince Lulash and Vassovic to let her take to her cell?

5. Who does Farrell shoot during he and Mrs. Pollifax's escape?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Mrs. Pollifax manage to get a gun?

2. How are Mrs. Pollifax, Farrell and the Chinese man rescued?

3. What does Mrs. Pollifax learn about Adem Nexht on her daily walk?

4. Discuss the sail boat Mrs. Pollifax, Farrell and the Chinese man steal and the teamwork they have with one another.

5. Discuss the plane that Mrs. Pollifax comes to find in Chapter 19.

6. Discuss the arrival of General Hoong at the party of Lulash and Vassovic.

7. Discuss the woman that sees Mrs. Pollifax, Farrell and the Chinese man escape.

8. Discuss what Carstairs has Mrs. Pollifax and Farrell do when they first arrive home to the United States.

9. Discuss the things that happen at the party of Lulash and Vassovic.

10. Discuss the plan of escape that Mrs. Pollifax, Farrell and the Chinese man use with the help of the woman who sees them escaping.

(see the answer keys)

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