The Undoing Project Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Michael Lewis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Undoing Project Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Michael Lewis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the only think Kahneman and his mother found in their Paris apartment after the war?
(a) The mother's jewelry.
(b) A wooden cupboard.
(c) Some china plates.
(d) Two luxurious green chairs.

2. Who was Amos Tversky's mother?
(a) Marcia Tversky.
(b) Barbara Tversky.
(c) Anne Tversky.
(d) Genia Tversky.

3. Why does Morey ultimately pass on drafting Satnam Singh?
(a) Singh is too volatile.
(b) Singh is too old.
(c) He has no real data on Singh.
(d) Singh is too young.

4. What was Marc Gasol's nickname that blinded Morey and some others from seeing his true talent?
(a) Pudgy.
(b) Birdy.
(c) Man Boobs.
(d) Slug Feet.

5. Which book had a big influence on Daryl Morey when he was a teenager?
(a) The Marshall Plan.
(b) Moneyball.
(c) Narwhals.
(d) The Bill James Historical Baseball Abstract.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where was Kahneman's father imprisoned in 1941?

2. Which very large player does Morey's team meet in 2015 as a potential draft pick?

3. What could often be heard from behind the closed door of the room Tversky and Kahneman worked in?

4. In Chapter 4, who did Tversky marry in the United States?

5. How much older than he was Amos Tversky's sister?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 4, what did Kahneman say you had to study in order to study memory?

2. What was Tversky's first impression of Ward Edwards, the professor he had come to Michigan to study under?

3. What was ironic about some people's perception that Daryl Morey must be a know-it-all?

4. In Chapter 3, what general approach did Tverksy take to social science during his years in Michigan?

5. What event did Amos Tversky participate in in the late 1960s that drew him back into armed conflict?

6. In 2007, what was the problem with the talented basketball player Sean Williams?

7. In Chapter 2, how did Kahneman feel about each of his parents?

8. In Chapter 2, what did Shimon Shamir recall about Kahneman from their school days?

9. In Chapter 2, what did Kahneman's father tell him the night before he died?

10. What did Daryl Morey think was the best path to being able to pick draft players for an NBA team?

(see the answer keys)

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