The Undoing Project Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Michael Lewis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Undoing Project Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Michael Lewis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part IV (Chapters 9 - 11).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which team did Morey do some consulting for when he was a young man?
(a) The Washington Nationals.
(b) The Oakland Athletics.
(c) The Boston Red Sox.
(d) The Atlanta Braves.

2. What kind of professional does Morey often hire who always seem to disappoint him?
(a) Writers.
(b) Psychologists.
(c) Lawyers.
(d) Doctors.

3. What was Barbara Tversky doing when the war broke out in Israel in 1973?
(a) She was in the U.S. visiting family.
(b) She was on the way to the emergency room with her eldest son.
(c) She was teaching a class.
(d) She was cooking in a restaurant.

4. In Chapter 9, what did Tversky and Kahneman briefly focus on once they despaired of changing adult minds about decision-making mistakes?
(a) Fictional books to help teach children about flaws in logical processes.
(b) Programs for elementary-aged children.
(c) Cartoon programs to help teach children about decision-making mistakes.
(d) College courses to help train parents to teach their children about flaws in decision-making processes.

5. Where did the Kahnemans move after leaving Europe in the 1940s?
(a) Russia.
(b) China.
(c) America.
(d) Palestine.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Tversky and Kahneman begin to realize that people were often doing rather than making random mistakes when they formed judgments?

2. What kind of audience did Tversky and Kahneman have in mind when they wrote their first papers together?

3. What type of structure did researchers build to try to simulate the swaying at the top of the new World Trade Center?

4. How long did the War of Independence last?

5. How much older than he was Amos Tversky's sister?

(see the answer key)

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