The Undoing Project Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Michael Lewis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Undoing Project Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Michael Lewis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part II (Chapters 3 - 5).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 2, what does Lewis identify as the most curious of Danny Kahneman's personal doubts?
(a) The ones he had about his singing skills.
(b) The ones he had about his own intellectual talent.
(c) The ones he had about his own memory.
(d) The ones he had about his finances.

2. What did Tversky think he originally might want to become?
(a) A lawyer.
(b) A poet or literary critic.
(c) A doctor.
(d) An accountant.

3. Why was Kahneman's father released from the Nazi prison camp after six weeks?
(a) His employer, Eugene Schueller, asked for his release.
(b) He had connections in the French government.
(c) His child begged for his release.
(d) His wife lobbied for his safe return.

4. In Chapter 4, when did Tversky return to Israel after studying in Michigan?
(a) 1972.
(b) 1964.
(c) 1970.
(d) 1966.

5. What does Morey realize was one of his big mistakes with the unsuccessful player his model chose in 2008?
(a) The player had a serious previous injury.
(b) The player was too old.
(c) The player did not do well in college.
(d) The player had cheated.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Kahneman remember April 27, 1944?

2. Morey said that knowledge is literally which of the following?

3. In Chapter 4, who did Tversky marry in the United States?

4. Which of the following books did Kahneman like as a boy?

5. What role did Tversky have when he first joined the Israeli army?

(see the answer key)

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