The Undoing Project Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Michael Lewis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Undoing Project Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Michael Lewis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part V (Chapters 12 - Coda).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why was Kahneman's father released from the Nazi prison camp after six weeks?
(a) His employer, Eugene Schueller, asked for his release.
(b) His child begged for his release.
(c) He had connections in the French government.
(d) His wife lobbied for his safe return.

2. What did one Hebrew University official say to Tversky about him leaving Israel for the United States?
(a) It would be a coup.
(b) It would be a betrayal.
(c) It would be a war crime.
(d) It would be a national tragedy.

3. In Chapter 11, at what institution was Miles Shore the Bullard Professor of Psychiatry?
(a) Yale Medical School.
(b) Harvard Medical School.
(c) Hebrew University Medical School.
(d) Princeton Medical School.

4. What feeling was regret closely linked to, according to Tversky's and Kahneman's research in Chapter 9?
(a) Disliking one's spouse.
(b) Feeling anger towards a parent.
(c) Coming close to some goal or desire but not achieving it.
(d) Hurting someone else's feelings.

5. Why were governments reluctant to seeding hurricanes?
(a) It was very expensive.
(b) They would then be implicated in whatever damage the hurricane wrought.
(c) It could pollute the environment.
(d) It sometimes made hurricanes worse.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which Israeli general spoke to Tversky's high school class during Tversky's senior year?

2. When did Kahneman and Tversky solidify their working collaboration by?

3. Which British psychologist did Kahneman meet in the 1960s who he would later marry?

4. Lewis opens the book with a quote from which author?

5. Who was Tversky visiting in the United States in the summer of 1970?

(see the answer key)

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