The Undertaking: Life Studies from the Dismal Trade Test | Final Test - Easy

Thomas Lynch
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Undertaking: Life Studies from the Dismal Trade Test | Final Test - Easy

Thomas Lynch
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. If he was cremated, where did Reader want his ashes scattered?
(a) Over the Grand Canyon.
(b) Over the Atlantic.
(c) Over a golf course.
(d) Over the town from a hot air balloon.

2. To what Irish hero did Lynch compare Russ Reader?
(a) Finn McCool.
(b) Wolfe Tone.
(c) Conchobar.
(d) Cuchulainn.

3. In what month would Lynch prefer to die?
(a) December.
(b) February.
(c) November.
(d) January.

4. In what state did someone reach the midpoint of their lives?
(a) Iowa.
(b) Kansas.
(c) Missouri.
(d) Ohio.

5. What did Lynch not want at his funeral?
(a) Religious services.
(b) Mourning.
(c) Poems.
(d) Partying.

6. To what animal did Lynch allude in making his analogy about living at the midpoint?
(a) Elk.
(b) Salmon.
(c) Monarch butterflies.
(d) California condors.

7. When did Lynch feel his midpoint had arrived?
(a) The day he buried his father.
(b) The day his second child was born.
(c) The day he buried his mother.
(d) The day he took over the family business.

8. In what decade of life did most of the Lynch men die?
(a) 40s.
(b) 70s.
(c) 60s.
(d) 50s.

9. What kind of car crushed a worker at a scrap metal yard in Lynch's story?
(a) 1975 Mustang.
(b) 1970 Camaro.
(c) 1967 Mustang.
(d) 1967 Jeep.

10. What California town did Lynch imagine dying in in his analogy?
(a) Santa Barbara.
(b) Sacramento.
(c) San Diego.
(d) Los Angeles.

11. When were the first sealed caskets made?
(a) 1920s.
(b) 1940s.
(c) 1930.
(d) 1950s.

12. What did Lynch sarcastically mention as a "tidy" type of assisted suicide?
(a) Jumping off a building.
(b) Hanging.
(c) Electrocution.
(d) Shooting range.

13. What rock group did Lynch allude to in Chapter 7?
(a) Sonic Youth.
(b) Rush.
(c) Green Day.
(d) Nirvana.

14. What is the name of the river that divides Milford in half?
(a) Ohio.
(b) Michigan.
(c) Huron.
(d) Liffey.

15. What did Lynch suggest as music for his funeral?
(a) Guitarists.
(b) Pianists.
(c) Bagpipers.
(d) Pipers and tinwhistlers.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many assisted suicides are cremated?

2. Before Kevorkian, how many "successful" suicides were men?

3. What did Uncle Eddie need help coming up with as he was starting his suicide cleanup business?

4. What was the cause of death in the case of the young man Lynch tended to in "All Hallows' Eve"?

5. What was Reader's favorite holiday?

(see the answer keys)

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