The Underground Man Test | Final Test - Medium

Mick Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Underground Man Test | Final Test - Medium

Mick Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Reverend Mellor suggest the Duke pay a visit to?
(a) The Mayor.
(b) Conners.
(c) A man in Holbeck Village.
(d) An expert in Edinburgh.

2. What is the Duke able to be with many layers of clothing while ice skating?
(a) Anonymous.
(b) Noticed.
(c) Protected if he falls.
(d) Warm.

3. In "From His Grace's Journal to Mrs. Pledger's Account," what is the significance of finding the bust?
(a) It is the link between him and another family.
(b) It is the proof for his sanity.
(c) It leads to the Duke madness.
(d) It provides the Duke with answers about his family.

4. Who insists that Clement travel with the Duke?
(a) Mr. Bird.
(b) Clement.
(c) Dr. Cox.
(d) Mrs. Pledger.

5. What does Clements force the Duke to do?
(a) Join the locals in ice skating.
(b) Take a bath.
(c) Take his medince.
(d) Make the locals leave the property.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the Duke create with the family things he finds in the attic?

2. In his reoccurring dream, what is the Duke's father doing?

3. What begins to manifest in "From His Grace's Journal to Mrs. Pledger's Account?"

4. What does the Duke need from Reverend Mellor?

5. In another story told by the housemaid, who does the Duke ask to help him with the dumbwaiter?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the fellowship created on the ice teach the Duke?

2. What happens in Pin Hole Cave?

3. Why does the Duke allow people to skate on the ice but protests to going on the ice with them?

4. Why doesn't the Duke find out about Snow's death until after the funeral?

5. What is the recurring dream discussed in the January 28th journal entry?

6. What happens when the Duke allows locals to use his property?

7. How does the housemaid's account provide a glimpse into the Duke's personality as a child?

8. What reduces the Duke's anxiety while he is in Camera Obscura?

9. Why does the Duke add Fowler's bust to his shrine?

10. Why is the Duke's visit to Reverend Mellor significant?

(see the answer keys)

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