The Underground Man Test | Final Test - Medium

Mick Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Underground Man Test | Final Test - Medium

Mick Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Reverend Mellor suggest the Duke pay a visit to?
(a) The Mayor.
(b) An expert in Edinburgh.
(c) Conners.
(d) A man in Holbeck Village.

2. Based on the Mr. Hendley's account, what does the Duke have a desire to do?
(a) Be marries.
(b) Be wealthy.
(c) Have children.
(d) Have a normal career.

3. Who tells the Duke about his friend's death?
(a) Mrs. Pledger.
(b) Mr. Snow.
(c) Conner.
(d) Mr. Bird.

4. What does the Duke find in the attic?
(a) A wind up monkey.
(b) His family album.
(c) An old family bible.
(d) An old rocking chair.

5. When does the Duke travel to Edinburgh?
(a) December 20-24th.
(b) January 6-11th.
(c) January 12-13th.
(d) January 28th.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the Duke find on December 13 in the store room?

2. How does Conner react to the story of the phantom boy?

3. What does the professor say about the process of trepanning?

4. What preoccupies the Duke on December 2, 5, and 7?

5. In a final story by the housemaid what is the Duke doing in the tree?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does the process of trepanning work?

2. What is the setting like in Camera Obscura?

3. What happens when the Duke allows locals to use his property?

4. Why does just the presence of others reduce the loneliness the Duke feels?

5. What does Conner say about the Duke's phantom boy?

6. Why doesn't the Duke find out about Snow's death until after the funeral?

7. What does the fellowship created on the ice teach the Duke?

8. What can searching for clues outside of the home help the Duke do?

9. What is significant about the Duke traveling between January 6-11th?

10. What is significant about the interactions between the Duke and Mr. Hendley?

(see the answer keys)

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