The Underground Man Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Mick Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Underground Man Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Mick Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the Duke feel about the loss of one's memory?
(a) It is a natural progression.
(b) It is also the loss of one's self.
(c) It will never happen to him.
(d) It is an unusual occurance.

2. How much land do the tunnels cover?
(a) 17 miles.
(b) 12 miles.
(c) 1 acre.
(d) 8 miles.

3. Why is Dr. Cox summoned?
(a) The Duke cannot walk.
(b) The Duke has discomfort in his back.
(c) The Duke's horses are ill.
(d) The Duke has a stomach ache.

4. How might the Duke appear to an outsider?
(a) Normal.
(b) Bizarre.
(c) Unique.
(d) Happy.

5. What is Mr. Snow's condition?
(a) He is dying of cancer.
(b) He is healthy.
(c) He is diminished physically and mentally.
(d) He is the same as always.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the Duke think the soap bubbles in the sink look like?

2. How does the Duke feel about the leafless condition of the trees?

3. What characteristic of the Duke suggests mental instability?

4. Who visits the Duke October 10th to discuss a job?

5. When is Dr. Cox summoned to the Duke's estate?

Short Essay Questions

1. What thoughts does the memory of a dead sparrow bring to the Duke?

2. Why is the Duke so horrified by Mr. Snow's appearance?

3. What is the second part of the Duke's journal entry for October 16th?

4. What does the Duke think about when reminiscing about Fanny Adelaide?

5. What does the Duke feel as he walks through the tunnel system?

6. How large are the tunnels in the underground tunnel system?

7. Why does the Duke think he must escape his estate quickly?

8. What information do the accounts of Mr. Grimshaw and Bowen provide the reader?

9. What do the Oakely sisters tell the Duke concerning the beef essence?

10. What does the Duke say about his grooming regime?

(see the answer keys)

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