The Underground Man Test | Final Test - Easy

Mick Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Underground Man Test | Final Test - Easy

Mick Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who tells the Duke about his friend's death?
(a) Conner.
(b) Mr. Bird.
(c) Mrs. Pledger.
(d) Mr. Snow.

2. What regarding Fowler's bust was the Duke forbidden to do?
(a) Look at it.
(b) Touch it.
(c) Clean it.
(d) Play with it.

3. What begins to manifest in "From His Grace's Journal to Mrs. Pledger's Account?"
(a) The Duke's madness.
(b) The Duke's loneliness.
(c) The Duke's abillity to love.
(d) The Duke's friendships with others.

4. How does the Duke learn to relieve his loneliness in "From His Grace's Journal to Mrs. Pledger's Account?"
(a) Just being in the presence of others.
(b) Listening to his staff.
(c) Going outside.
(d) Making friends.

5. Where does Mellor invite the Duke to?
(a) Church.
(b) Pin Hole Cave.
(c) Tile Kiln & Low Close wood.
(d) Holbeck Village.

6. When might the process of trepanning be used today according to the professor?
(a) To release brain hemmoraging.
(b) For most criminals.
(c) To release evil spirits.
(d) To cure the mentally insane.

7. During "From His Grace's Journal to Mr. Hendley's Account" what does the reader learn about what the Duke thinks of himself?
(a) He is arrogant .
(b) He is happy with his life.
(c) He is incomplete.
(d) He wanted to do more in life.

8. What is the Duke reminded of in "From His Grace's Journal to Mrs. Pledger's Account?"
(a) People can disappoint you.
(b) Trust is important to all realtionships.
(c) He inhabits with world with other people.
(d) People can suprise you.

9. What does the Duke find in one of the stables?
(a) A box of coins.
(b) A recipe book.
(c) An old bust.
(d) A family picture.

10. During "From His Grace's Journal to Mrs. Pledger's Account," who joins the Duke in the study?
(a) Mr. Bird.
(b) Mr. Hendley.
(c) Connor.
(d) Clement.

11. What does the Duke need from Reverend Mellor?
(a) Information on phrenology.
(b) Prayer.
(c) Information on getting married in the chruch.
(d) To confinde in someone.

12. What does Clements force the Duke to do?
(a) Take his medince.
(b) Take a bath.
(c) Make the locals leave the property.
(d) Join the locals in ice skating.

13. During "From His Grace's Journal to Mrs. Pledger's Account," what does Clements show the Duke?
(a) An old pipe.
(b) An ancient pair of ice skates.
(c) A map of the town.
(d) A picture from his youth.

14. When does the Duke find out about a friend's death?
(a) 5 days after the death.
(b) 2 days after the death.
(c) 4 days after the death.
(d) 3 days after the death.

15. What does the Duke do while the locals are on his property?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Joins them.
(c) Watches them.
(d) Yells at them.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who recounts three anecdotes involving the Duke?

2. Why does the Duke want to travel alone?

3. How does Conner react to the story of the phantom boy?

4. In "From His Grace's Journal to Mr. Hendley's Account," while the Duke and Mr. Hendley are in the Underground Tunnel System, what does the Duke try to persuade Mr. Hendley to do?

5. Why did the staff and Dr. Cox decide to wait so long to tell the Duke about his friend's death?

(see the answer keys)

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