The Underdogs a Novel of the Mexican Revolution Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Underdogs a Novel of the Mexican Revolution Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who fights over Margarito's treatment of the villager?
(a) Margarito and Luis Cervantes.
(b) War Paint and Camila.
(c) War Paint and Margarito.
(d) Margarito and Camila.

2. How many men have the rebels recruited in a week?
(a) Five hundred.
(b) One hundred and fifty.
(c) Fifty.
(d) Two hundred and fifty.

3. Why does Valderrama protest Demetrio Macias' order?
(a) The people of the Sierra are pitiful.
(b) The people of the Sierra are on their side.
(c) The people of the Sierra are their brothers.
(d) The people of the Sierra are harmless.

4. What does Camila ask Demetrio Macias for permission to do when the rebels leave?
(a) Go home.
(b) Shoot War Paint.
(c) Come with him.
(d) Carry a gun.

5. What does Margarito order that the bar is unable to provide?
(a) Water.
(b) Tequila.
(c) Milk.
(d) Pulque.

6. Why do the townspeople gather when Demetrio Macias enters Don Monico's house?
(a) They want to watch the plundering.
(b) They want to help Don Monico.
(c) They want a share of the loot.
(d) They want to offer support to the rebels.

7. What is Demetrio Macias unable to remember?
(a) How long he has been away.
(b) His wife's face.
(c) The way home to his rancho.
(d) His son's face.

8. What does Valderrama count as the rebels travel to Juchipila?
(a) Felled trees.
(b) Crosses.
(c) Burned houses.
(d) Corpses.

9. What do Demetrio Macias' men brag about as they drink in the tavern at night?
(a) Goods they have stolen.
(b) People they have frightened.
(c) The future of the country.
(d) People they have killed.

10. What does the poor villager complain that Demetrio Macias' men have done to him?
(a) Taken all his corn.
(b) Taken all his flour.
(c) Killed all his animals.
(d) Burned down his house.

11. Which men have been made majors under General Demetrio Macias?
(a) Pancracio and Anastasio.
(b) Margarito and Luis Cervantes.
(c) Anastasio and Luis Cervantes.
(d) Anastasio and Lard.

12. Why does Pancracio shoot the sacristan of the church in the village?
(a) He was secretive.
(b) He was rude.
(c) He was silent.
(d) He was well dressed.

13. What does Demetrio Macias ask Luis Cervantes about the trip to Aguascalientes?
(a) He asks why they are going there.
(b) He asks whether they are going there.
(c) He asks when they are going there.
(d) He asks how they are going there.

14. Why does War Paint become angry with Camila?
(a) Camila is more beautiful than War Paint.
(b) Camila is a better markswoman than War Paint.
(c) Camila is a better horsewoman than War Paint.
(d) Camila decides to ride with Demetrio Macias

15. Where is Luis Cervantes after the war?
(a) El Paso, Texas.
(b) Zacatecas.
(c) Aguascalientes.
(d) The Sierra.

Short Answer Questions

1. What organization does Luis Cervantes advise Venancio to join?

2. What does Camila tell Demetrio Macias about Margarito?

3. What does War Paint tell Camila Demetrio Macias plans to do?

4. Why does War Paint leave the celebratory banquet?

5. Why have Demetrio Macias' friends prepared a banquet in his honor?

(see the answer keys)

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