The Underdogs a Novel of the Mexican Revolution Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Underdogs a Novel of the Mexican Revolution Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Crispin Robles recruit men to fight with him?
(a) He promises them bonuses.
(b) He ambushes them from the Federal army lines.
(c) He frees them from jail.
(d) He takes them at gunpoint.

2. What greets Demetrio Macias' men as they enter the plaza of the village?
(a) A priest and some beggars.
(b) A squadron of deserters.
(c) A hail of rifle fire.
(d) A group of peasants.

3. Where did the Federal lieutenant meet Demetrio Macias?
(a) In the penetentiary.
(b) In the battle of Zacatecas.
(c) Hiding in the hills.
(d) In the canteen in town.

4. What does Luis Cervantes advise Demetrio Macias to do?
(a) Ambush Natera's forces.
(b) Take over the command of Natera's forces.
(c) Split from Natera's forces.
(d) Join with Natera's forces.

5. Why does Demetrio Macias send his wife away?
(a) He doesn't want her to be lonely while he is away.
(b) He believes the Federal soldiers will be back.
(c) He doesn't want her to see him kill the soldiers.
(d) He believes she doesn't love him any more.

6. Who recognizes Luis Cervantes from his days with the Federal army?
(a) Pancracio.
(b) Solis.
(c) Anastasio.
(d) Venancio.

7. Why are the rebels sorry to leave the village?
(a) They will miss their friends.
(b) They will miss the peace and quiet.
(c) They will miss the girls.
(d) They will miss the food.

8. What does Demetrio Macias hope to do when the war is over?
(a) Join the newly-formed government.
(b) Return to his land.
(c) Divide the spoils with the victors.
(d) Continue to fight for justice.

9. Where does Demetrio Macias instruct his wife to go?
(a) To her father's house.
(b) To her uncle's house.
(c) To his father's house.
(d) To the neighbor's house.

10. What does Camila's mother do to drive out the evil spirits that are making the girl sad?
(a) She beats her.
(b) She locks her away.
(c) She sends her with the rebels.
(d) She forces her to fast.

11. What does Luis Cervantes begin to suspect about the revolutionaries?
(a) They cannot win.
(b) They are nothing more than bandits.
(c) They cannot lose.
(d) They are examples of courage.

12. How does Luis Cervantes refer to the rebels?
(a) Villains.
(b) Coreligionists.
(c) Comrades in arms.
(d) Heroes.

13. How does Demetrio Macias plan to learn Luis Cervantes' true intentions?
(a) By having Quail dress as a Federal soldier and offer to help.
(b) By having Quail dress as a priest and take his confession.
(c) By having Quail torture him until he confesses.
(d) By having Quail dress as a woman and trick him.

14. What does Luis Cervantes' old acquaintance think of the revolution now?
(a) He is dedicated.
(b) He is invigorated.
(c) He is disillusioned.
(d) He is exhausted.

15. What keeps Luis Cervantes from sleeping on his first night with Demetrio Macias' band?
(a) His battered body.
(b) His wounded foot.
(c) His sense of failure.
(d) The smell of animals.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Luis Cervantes say Villa, Carranza, and Natera are all fighting against?

2. What do Demetrio Macias' men plan to do if they outnumber the Federal soldiers?

3. Why are there more Federal soldiers in town than Demetrio Macias had anticipated?

4. What is the leader of the Federal soldiers doing during the attack by Demetrio Macias?

5. To what does Luis Cervantes' old acquaintance compare the men in the revolution?

(see the answer keys)

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