The Tyrant's Tomb Test | Final Test - Easy

Rick Riordan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Tyrant's Tomb Test | Final Test - Easy

Rick Riordan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is another name for Camp Jupiter?
(a) New Rome.
(b) New City.
(c) New Haven.
(d) New Moon.

2. What kind of dogs are Reyna's two dogs?
(a) Pitbulls.
(b) Labradors.
(c) Greyhounds.
(d) Bulldogs.

3. What is floating on either side of the god in the shipping container?
(a) Axes known as fasces.
(b) Birds.
(c) Harpoons.
(d) Flowers.

4. Who writes to Thalia to tell her of her brother Jason's death?
(a) Reyna.
(b) Crystal.
(c) Lavinia.
(d) Frank.

5. What kind of flower is stuck in Meg's hair in Chapter 27?
(a) Lily.
(b) Oleander.
(c) Rose.
(d) Geranium.

6. What does Apollo ask Meg to do around the shipping container?
(a) Sing a song to open the door.
(b) Saw through the metal.
(c) Bring back help from the camp to open the door.
(d) Cut the chains.

7. What does Apollo do at the secret meeting Lavinia calls to let everyone there know about his journey thus far?
(a) Telepathically communicates his trials.
(b) Sings an epic song.
(c) Reads them a poem he wrote.
(d) Shows them video of his travels.

8. What is unusual about Reyna's dogs?
(a) They can communicate telepathically.
(b) They can talk.
(c) They are microscopic.
(d) They are made of metal.

9. What does the Cumaen Sibyl tell Apollo before she ceases to exist?
(a) She will tell Zeus he is still not learning his lesson.
(b) She forgives him.
(c) She loves him.
(d) She is still angry at him.

10. What form is the Cumaen Sibyl in in Chapter 29?
(a) She is a snake.
(b) Her spirit is in a glass jar.
(c) She is the barest light in a light bulb.
(d) She is a bird.

11. Which highway does Apollo's and his friends' car leave in Chapter 31?
(a) Highway 95.
(b) Hudson River Highway.
(c) Nebula Highway.
(d) East Bay Highway.

12. What is the name of the coffee shop at Camp Jupiter?
(a) Reyna's.
(b) Legion's.
(c) Bombilo's.
(d) Unicorn's.

13. What do Frank and the other legion leaders fear most about the upcoming battle?
(a) Facing their former comrades in an undead form.
(b) The wrath of the gods, especially Zeus.
(c) The mind-control powers of Tarquin.
(d) The vaporizing weapons of the emperors.

14. What did the god in the shipping container once say he wanted to do to Apollo?
(a) Capture him.
(b) Make him deaf.
(c) Make him blind.
(d) Vaporize him.

15. What birds attack Apollo and the others in Chapter 25?
(a) Vultures.
(b) Hawks.
(c) Eagles.
(d) Ravens.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Meg tell Apollo she knows he saw in Chapter 25?

2. In Chapter 33, what creatures covered in shaggy blond hair does Apollo see when he first gets back to Camp Jupiter?

3. Who is Lavinia working with on a plan to save Camp Jupiter?

4. What horse does Hazel ride in the battle at Camp Jupiter?

5. What kind of message does Apollo have to send to the gods when he gets back to Camp Jupiter in Chapter 31?

(see the answer keys)

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