Objects & Places from The Tyrant's Tomb

Rick Riordan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Objects & Places from The Tyrant's Tomb

Rick Riordan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Tyrant's Tomb Lesson Plans

Reyna's Cloak

This article of clothing has protective properties for its wearer, a leader at Camp Jupiter.

Arrow of Dodona

This weapon, an inanimate object, can talk and give advice to its owner, Apollo.

Apollo's Ukulele

This instrument is used by its owner to inspire or intimidate others, and it is lost in a battle in this novel.

Meg's Scimitars

These weapons shrink down into rings on fingers when they are not being used by their owner.

Tarquin's Tomb

Apollo faces a terrifying challenge in this place, the "resting" place of the last king of Rome.

Camp Jupiter

This educational gathering place is a refuge of sorts for Apollo. It is also under siege later in the novel.

Mount Olympus

This place is Apollo's former home and the central seat of power for the Greek Gods.

Arum and Argentum

These mechanical animals are protectors for their owner, a...

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