The Twits Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Twits Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What adjective is used to describe Roly-Poly when he first flies "down out of the sky" (42)?
(a) Scruffy.
(b) Loud.
(c) Magnificent.
(d) Enormous.

2. What word does Muggle-Wump's child use to describe his plan, causing Muggle-Wump to tell the child to shut up?
(a) Impossible.
(b) Balmy.
(c) Dotty.
(d) Screwy.

3. Mr. Twit insists that he will not wait what length of time to eat his Bird Pie supper?
(a) Another month.
(b) Another week.
(c) Another minute.
(d) Another year.

4. Whose favorite meal is Bird Pie?
(a) Roly-Poly.
(b) Mrs. Twit.
(c) Mr. Twit.
(d) The narrator.

5. What types of birds are NOT named among those captured by Mr. Twit through his use of Hugtight glue?
(a) Jenny wrens.
(b) Woodpeckers.
(c) Song thrushes.
(d) Robins.

6. The narrator points out that the Twits' house lacks a single what?
(a) Light.
(b) Window.
(c) Positive characteristic.
(d) Charm.

7. The monkeys begin to disobey Mr. Twit's orders as soon as what event occurs?
(a) Three hours have passed since the Twits' departure.
(b) An hour has passed since the Twits' departure.
(c) The Twits have disappeared down the road.
(d) Mr. Twit turns his back to talk to Mrs. Twit.

8. After Muggle-Wump calls the Twits filthy, he refers to them as what type of "freaks" (64) when he again warns the others to hurry?
(a) Mimsy.
(b) Outgrabe.
(c) Borogrovey.
(d) Frumptious.

9. The narrator reveals that before they had retired, the Twits had both worked for what type of organization?
(a) An aquarium.
(b) A garbage dump.
(c) A zoo.
(d) A circus.

10. What is NOT an action named by the narrator among the actions taken by the Twits in their former jobs?
(a) Teaching monkeys to smoke pipes.
(b) Helping the community to learn about the monkeys.
(c) Teaching monkeys to do tricks.
(d) Dressing monkeys up in human clothes.

11. What plastic object do the Twits keep on their sideboard?
(a) A plastic fishbowl.
(b) A plastic Jesus.
(c) A plastic gnome.
(d) A plastic punch bowl.

12. As the four monkeys and Roly-Poly the bird enact their plan to destroy the Twits, what does Roly-Poly hold in his claw?
(a) A washcloth.
(b) A bag of onion skins.
(c) A sponge.
(d) A paintbrush.

13. When Mr. Twit sees Mrs. Twit descending from the sky, he jumps "as though" (30) what event has taken place?
(a) A bucket of water has been thrown in his face.
(b) His hair has been set on fire.
(c) He has seen a ghost.
(d) He has been stung by a giant wasp.

14. What adjective does Muggle-Wump use to describe his plan to destroy the Twits?
(a) Diabolical.
(b) Complicated.
(c) Insane.
(d) Brilliant.

15. At least how many bullets does Mrs. Twit want her weapon to shoot at a time?
(a) 20.
(b) 90.
(c) 50.
(d) 10.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is responsible for the task of maintaining the Twits' garden?

2. Muggle-Wump is what type of animal?

3. How many important tasks does Muggle-Wump tell his family members that they still have to do before they can all leave their captors forever?

4. What action does Mr. Twit order the monkeys to perform throughout the time the Twits are in town buying weapons?

5. When Mr. Twit emerges from the house and sees the monkeys and birds all together, what are the monkeys and birds doing?

(see the answer keys)

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