The Twits Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Twits Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What adjective does the narrator use to describe the pieces of green cheese residing within Mr. Twit's beard?
(a) Maggoty.
(b) Awful.
(c) Putrid.
(d) Petrified.

2. How old is Mr. Twit?
(a) 50.
(b) 40.
(c) 70.
(d) 60.

3. When Mrs. Twit awakens after fainting, what object is on her face?
(a) A frog.
(b) A clothespin.
(c) A fish.
(d) A monkey.

4. How many bearded men are featured in the very first illustration included within The Twits, before Chapter 1 begins?
(a) 12.
(b) 6.
(c) 2.
(d) 19.

5. How does the narrator describe the weather on the day of Mrs. Twit's flight?
(a) Breezy.
(b) Calm with no wind.
(c) Rainy.
(d) Windy.

6. Mr. Twit tells Mrs. Twit that the ultimate result of The Shrinks is that there is nothing left of the afflicted person, "except" (22) what objects?
(a) A set of false teeth and a glass eye.
(b) A pair of shoes and a bundle of clothes.
(c) A pair of underwear and a cape.
(d) A hat and a coat.

7. After Mrs. Twit has soared off into the sky, Mr. Twit thinks to himself that "At last the old" what "is lost and gone forever" (26)?
(a) Ball and chain.
(b) Hag.
(c) Crone.
(d) Lady.

8. When stating that "things cling to hairs" (5) in beards, the narrator states that what types of objects in particular stick to beard hairs?
(a) Dust bunnies.
(b) Dandruff.
(c) Food particles.
(d) Lice.

9. How does Mr. Twit fill the balloons he has prepared for Mrs. Twit's cure?
(a) He uses a bicycle bump to blow them up.
(b) He forces the monkeys to blow them up.
(c) He uses a gas cylinder to blow them up.
(d) He blows them up himself.

10. What conclusion does the narrator draw about the fact that Mrs. Twit does not have a beard?
(a) It is a pity.
(b) It is a good thing.
(c) It is a small favor.
(d) It is an unfortunate oversight.

11. What is NOT listed among the bald parts of Mr. Twit's body?
(a) His forehead.
(b) His eyes.
(c) His nose.
(d) His nostrils.

12. What adjective is used to describe the grin Mr. Twit wears as he cuts the strings around Mrs. Twit's ankles?
(a) Absentminded.
(b) Panicky.
(c) Ghoulish.
(d) Nervous.

13. What is NOT an action Mrs. Twit takes after she announces to Mr. Twit that he has been eating worms?
(a) Stamping her feet.
(b) Pointing at Mr. Twit's angry face.
(c) Clapping her hands.
(d) Rocking with laughter.

14. The narrator states that even if a bearded man takes a particular action, he will still get food in his beard. What is the named action?
(a) Eating very slowly.
(b) Opening his mouth very wide.
(c) Using a napkin.
(d) Affixing a bib.

15. When Mr. Twit declares that his spaghetti is moving, Mrs. Twit tells him that the spaghetti is a new what?
(a) Fad.
(b) Kind.
(c) Brand.
(d) Invention.

Short Answer Questions

1. In order to play a trick on Mr. Twit, Mrs. Twit puts her glass eye into what location?

2. Mr. Twit's memories of what objects are said to keep him from feeling sorry for Mrs. Twit when she believes that she is shrinking?

3. What animal does Mrs. Twit name when she tells Mr. Twit she is watching his actions carefully?

4. When Mr. Twit announces to Mrs. Twit that she has contracted a dreaded disease called The Shrinks, she has to take what action due to feeling "trembly" (20)?

5. Which article of Mrs. Twit's clothing is depicted as billowing "out like a parachute" (28) upon her descent?

(see the answer keys)

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